JOKE OF THE WEEK, 12 Apr 2010

Dietrich Fischer - TRANSCEND Media Service

To attend the meeting of the communist international, the Tanzanian delegate, the only communist in Tanzania, left six months early.

He walked north along the coast of Africa, swam across the red sea, narrowly escaped sharks, was enslaved in Saudi Arabia but escaped, and made it to Moscow on the last day of the meeting.

The other delegates were excited, full of anticipation that the revolution would now spread to Africa.  But there was a problem: he only spoke Swahili.  Leon Trotsky offered to interpret for him.  The delegate spoke and Trotsky translated.  The other delegates gave him a thunderous, enthusiastic applause.

After the speech, Stalin said to Trotsky, “I know you are smart, but you don’t know Swahili.”

Trotsky said, “That is true, but I knew what he was going to say.”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 12 Apr 2010.

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One Response to “INTERPRETER”

  1. Claude says:

    Interesting and wonderful story

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