Cheat Neutral


TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service

Did you cheat? Wish there was a way to offset your infidelity? The founders of offer a way to neutralize your bad behavior.

The idea is a spoof on the current policy of carbon offsetting. In the same way that we shouldn’t be able to pay money to neutralize the damage done to our relationships, the site’s creators argue, we should not be able to pay money to offset our carbon polluting. The website’s satirical purpose is to “make it seem acceptable to cheat on your partner. In the same way, carbon offsetting tries to make it acceptable to carry on emitting excess carbon.”

Follow the founders of to the BBC, Parliament and the high street as they try to convince the public and the media to take them seriously…


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 5 Jul 2010.

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