On Luck

JOKE OF THE WEEK, 1 Nov 2010

Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service

A little girl lived in a small hut in the forest, with a leaking roof that let the rain through, and thin walls where the wind and snow blew through.  Her only companion was her cat.  She lived on berries that she collected in the forest.

One day, she met a fairy who promised to fulfill her three wishes.  The girl’s first wish was that her bucket of berries would turn into a bucket full of gold coins.  Her second wish was that she would become the most beautiful princess.  Her third wish was that her cat would turn into a beautiful prince.

The fairy told her, “Go home, all your wishes will come true.”  She went home, and indeed, the berries in her bucket had turned into gold coins.  She looked into the mirror and saw the most beautiful princess.  She called her cat, and a handsome young prince came to embrace her.  She kissed him.  He said to her sadly, “I wish you had not taken me to the veterinarian last year to be castrated!”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 1 Nov 2010.

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2 Responses to “On Luck”

  1. Lemwang says:

    very insightful. therefore, do not wish anything from the fairy…hehehehe

  2. ngh says:

    or perhaps… just don’t do irreversible things like castrating beings you love.

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