Archive for 2010 – Week 0

Jean Giono (1895-1970): The Energies of the Earth
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Jean Giono (1895-1970): The Energies of the Earth)
Japanese Hunt Dolphins into the Cove, Once More
Ravi Somaiya - Newsweek
September 6th, 2010 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on Japanese Hunt Dolphins into the Cove, Once More)
Settlers Reveal Deep Disdain for Events in Washington
Donald Macintyre in Kiryat Arba, West Bank – The Independent
September 6th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Settlers Reveal Deep Disdain for Events in Washington)
(Portuguese) O Brasil e as Medidas Antidumping
Sergio Dias Teixeira Junior – Pravda
September 6th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) O Brasil e as Medidas Antidumping)
Another False Ending: Contracting Out the Iraq Occupation
Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond – Truthout
September 6th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Another False Ending: Contracting Out the Iraq Occupation)
No Comment
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | 1 Comment »)
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 3 Comments »)
Mass Extinction Threat: Earth on Verge of Huge Reset Button?
Jeremy Hsu, LiveScience Senior Writer – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (GREAT RESET, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Mass Extinction Threat: Earth on Verge of Huge Reset Button?)
Army Downplays Depleted Uranium Risk on Hawaiian Island
William Cole – Honolulu Star-Advertiser
September 6th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Army Downplays Depleted Uranium Risk on Hawaiian Island)
Three Degrees Is At Least One Too Many
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Three Degrees Is At Least One Too Many)
Free Abdallah Abu Rahmah!
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (NOBEL LAUREATES | Comments Off on Free Abdallah Abu Rahmah!)
What an Increase of 3.5C Really Means to the Planet
Mark Lynas – The Independent
September 6th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on What an Increase of 3.5C Really Means to the Planet)
Behind Mexico’s Bloodshed (Part 1)
The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Behind Mexico’s Bloodshed (Part 1))
6 Ways Religious Frauds Try to Make Gays and Lesbians Straight
Ted Cox - AlterNet
September 6th, 2010 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on 6 Ways Religious Frauds Try to Make Gays and Lesbians Straight)
Iraq to Spend $13B on U.S. Arms, Equipment
Jim Michaels - USA Today
September 6th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Iraq to Spend $13B on U.S. Arms, Equipment)
A Speech for Endless War
Norman Solomon – Truthout
September 6th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on A Speech for Endless War)
How to Be Alone
Tanya Davis – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on How to Be Alone)
The Elephant in the Room
Larbi Sadiki – Al Jazeera
September 6th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Elephant in the Room)
United Nations Emits Report of “Harmony with Nature” Bolivia’s Initiative
Pía Figueroa – Pressenza International Press Agency
September 6th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on United Nations Emits Report of “Harmony with Nature” Bolivia’s Initiative)
A Divestment Movement for the 21st Century
Sherry Wolf – Socialist Worker
September 6th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on A Divestment Movement for the 21st Century)
Behind Mexico’s Bloodshed (Part 2)
The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Behind Mexico’s Bloodshed (Part 2))
The Triumph of Evil
Prof. John Kozy – Global Research
September 6th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The Triumph of Evil)
Rebel Soldiers: Dissent Grows in the British Military
Dan Read – Toward Freedom
September 6th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Rebel Soldiers: Dissent Grows in the British Military)
Nature’s Bottom Line: The Folly of Endless Growth
Wayne Ellwood – New Internationalist magazine
September 6th, 2010 (CURRENT AFFAIRS | 1 Comment »)
Our Enabling Media Is Worse Than Ever
Stanley Kutler - Truthdig
September 6th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Our Enabling Media Is Worse Than Ever)
(Italian) “Sa Phrala – Ogni Persona E’ Tuo Fratello “
Silvia Berruto - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) “Sa Phrala – Ogni Persona E’ Tuo Fratello “)
Nepali Diaspora in Australia
Bishnu Pathak, PhD, Peace and Conflict Study Center – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 7 Comments »)
Should People Boycott Israel?
Paul Jay interviewing Omar Barghouti - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Should People Boycott Israel?)
Sustaining a Community of Strange Loops
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Sustaining a Community of Strange Loops)
The Long Road to The Hague: Prosecuting Former Prime Minister Tony Blair (Part I)
Lesley Docksey – Global Research
August 30th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on The Long Road to The Hague: Prosecuting Former Prime Minister Tony Blair (Part I))
Israelis Risk Jail to Smuggle Palestinians
Jonathan Cook – Global Research
August 30th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israelis Risk Jail to Smuggle Palestinians)
Pakistan Floods: Senior UN Figure Criticises Response
BBC – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Pakistan Floods: Senior UN Figure Criticises Response)
(Italian) Prima Che Sia Troppo Tardi…
Prof. Nanni Salio – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) Prima Che Sia Troppo Tardi…)
What You Will Not Hear About Iraq
Adil E. Shamoo – Foreign Policy in Focus
August 30th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | 2 Comments »)
Earth is Our Common Home: UN Desert Decade
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Earth is Our Common Home: UN Desert Decade)
Has Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Fled the US?
August 30th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Has Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Fled the US?)
Japan Right Now: What Happens?
Johan Galtung, 30 Aug 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 3 Comments »)
Space Warfare: Preparing the “Battlespace” for a New Imperial Adventure
Tom Burghardt – Global Research
August 30th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Space Warfare: Preparing the “Battlespace” for a New Imperial Adventure)
8 Reasons You Should Stay the Hell Away From Eggs
Martha Rosenberg - AlterNet
August 30th, 2010 (HEALTH | Comments Off on 8 Reasons You Should Stay the Hell Away From Eggs)
A Month without Monsanto
April Dávila – Yes! Magazine
August 30th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on A Month without Monsanto)
Regional Economic Cooperation as a Key to Solve Afghanistan Problem
Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, CENTRAL ASIA, ECONOMICS, COOPS-COOPERATION-SHARING | Comments Off on Regional Economic Cooperation as a Key to Solve Afghanistan Problem)
Waging Peace from Afar: Divestment and Israeli Occupation
Phyllis Bennis – Yes! Magazine
August 30th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Waging Peace from Afar: Divestment and Israeli Occupation)
Sounds Familiar
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | 1 Comment »)
Google & Verizon’s Evil Plan Is Really Bad News for Regular Internet Users
Scott Thill - AlterNet
August 30th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Google & Verizon’s Evil Plan Is Really Bad News for Regular Internet Users)
The Global Media Dictatorship
Manuel E. Yepe – Pravda
August 30th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Global Media Dictatorship)
When Jews were the Palestinians
Sherry Wolf – Socialist Worker
August 30th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on When Jews were the Palestinians)
(Portuguese) Corte Colombiana Declara Inconstitucional o Acordo Militar com EUA
Natasha Pitts – Brasil de Fato
August 30th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Corte Colombiana Declara Inconstitucional o Acordo Militar com EUA)
The Big Lie Technique vs. the Reality of Iran’s Nuclear Program
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on The Big Lie Technique vs. the Reality of Iran’s Nuclear Program)
Burma: Six Reasons to Welcome US Support for War Crimes Probe
Dr. Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Burma: Six Reasons to Welcome US Support for War Crimes Probe)
US Wars: People vs Generals
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera
August 30th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on US Wars: People vs Generals)
The Un-Disappeared Orientalist Gaze
Vithal Rajan – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Un-Disappeared Orientalist Gaze)
Breaking the Information Monopoly
Darian Worden – AlterNet
August 30th, 2010 (MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Breaking the Information Monopoly)
(Italian) A Jo Pyronnet
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) A Jo Pyronnet)
An Open Letter to Israel
Lauren Booth – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | 1 Comment »)
The Two-Tier Internet: Fighting for Control of the Web’s Future
Frank Dohmen, Martin U. Müller and Hilmar Schmundt - Spiegel
August 30th, 2010 (MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | 1 Comment »)
The Communist Manifesto
Todd Chretien – Socialist Worker
August 30th, 2010 (SOCIALISM - MARXISM | 1 Comment »)
Two Dangerous Ingredients in Everyday Products That Are Threatening Our Health
Jill Richardson - AlterNet
August 30th, 2010 (HEALTH | Comments Off on Two Dangerous Ingredients in Everyday Products That Are Threatening Our Health)
Boats Reach Gaza Despite Blockade
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Boats Reach Gaza Despite Blockade)
WikiLeaks and War Crimes
Jeremy Scahill – The Nation
European Union: Most Anti-Democratic and Neoliberal in History
Susan George – Transnational Institute
August 30th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on European Union: Most Anti-Democratic and Neoliberal in History)
10 Needed Steps for Obama to Start Dismantling America’s Gigantic, Destructive Military Empire
Chalmers Johnson - AlterNet
August 30th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on 10 Needed Steps for Obama to Start Dismantling America’s Gigantic, Destructive Military Empire)
John Pilger on the Last US Combat Forces in Iraq
Riz Khan – Al Jazeera
August 30th, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on John Pilger on the Last US Combat Forces in Iraq)
(Portuguese) A Paz e a Energia Nuclear
Marcelo Barros – Brasil de Fato
August 30th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) A Paz e a Energia Nuclear)
The Transformation of Latin America is a Global Advance
Seumas Milne – The Guardian
August 23rd, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The Transformation of Latin America is a Global Advance)
Genetically Manipulated Crops: The GMO Catastrophe in the USA. A Lesson for the World
F. William Engdahl – Global Research
August 23rd, 2010 (ORGANIC, GMO, GENETIC ENGINEERING | Comments Off on Genetically Manipulated Crops: The GMO Catastrophe in the USA. A Lesson for the World)
The Mavi Marmara Inquiry: Denying the Obvious
Gwynne Dyer - MWDN
August 23rd, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Mavi Marmara Inquiry: Denying the Obvious)
France Urged to Repay Haiti Billions Paid For Its Independence
Kim Willsher in Paris – The Guardian
August 23rd, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on France Urged to Repay Haiti Billions Paid For Its Independence)
America’s Obesity Problem Is Due to Violence
Sarah Spieth – Tucson Citizen
August 23rd, 2010 (HEALTH | Comments Off on America’s Obesity Problem Is Due to Violence)
Iceland Set to Become a Press Freedom Haven
RTÉ/Ireland – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Iceland Set to Become a Press Freedom Haven)
Red Shirt vs. Yellow Shirt: Thailand’s Political Struggle
David McNeill in Lamphun – The Independent
August 23rd, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Red Shirt vs. Yellow Shirt: Thailand’s Political Struggle)
Why Isn’t the World Rushing to Rescue Pakistan?
Paul Jay, TRNN – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Why Isn’t the World Rushing to Rescue Pakistan?)
The Rom: World Citizens Ahead of Time
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Pakistan: Where the International Community Got It Wrong
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey – Pravda
August 23rd, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Pakistan: Where the International Community Got It Wrong)
A Case of Decency Deficit – An Analysis
Professor Lawrence Davidson - ICH
August 23rd, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on A Case of Decency Deficit – An Analysis)
Why WikiLeaks Must Be Protected
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Why WikiLeaks Must Be Protected)
Half of Niger’s Population Hungry
Press TV – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (AFRICA | 2 Comments »)
Iraq: Torture. Corruption. Civil war. America Has Certainly Left Its Mark
Robert Fisk – The Independent
August 23rd, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Iraq: Torture. Corruption. Civil war. America Has Certainly Left Its Mark)
Assembly Line
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | 2 Comments »)
France’s Debt of Dishonour to Haiti
Isabel Macdonald – The Guardian
August 23rd, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on France’s Debt of Dishonour to Haiti)
Verizon & Google Want to Kill the Open Internet — Media Mogul Confirms Their Bad Intentions
US Rep. Alan Grayson - AlterNet
August 23rd, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Verizon & Google Want to Kill the Open Internet — Media Mogul Confirms Their Bad Intentions)
Costa Rica: US Warships Cause Unease
Alex Leff - GlobalPost
August 23rd, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Costa Rica: US Warships Cause Unease)
Giving Up Meat for a Better World
Katja Thimm - Spiegel
August 23rd, 2010 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on Giving Up Meat for a Better World)
Bin Laden is Dead; Long Live “Bin Laden”
Maidhc Ó Cathail – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Bin Laden is Dead; Long Live “Bin Laden”)
America’s Biggest Jobs Program — the U.S. Military
Robert Reich - ICH
August 23rd, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on America’s Biggest Jobs Program — the U.S. Military)
Harvard University Fund Sells All Israel Holdings
Hillel Koren - Globes Israel's Business News
August 23rd, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Harvard University Fund Sells All Israel Holdings)
The Secret Killers: Assassination in Afghanistan and Task Force 373
Pratap Chatterjee – TomDispatch
August 23rd, 2010 (IN FOCUS, MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on The Secret Killers: Assassination in Afghanistan and Task Force 373)
The Management Consultancy Scam
Johann Hari – The Independent
August 23rd, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on The Management Consultancy Scam)
Catholic Activists Arrested at Kansas City Nuclear Weapons Facility
Joshua J. McElwee – National Catholic Reporter
August 23rd, 2010 (ACTIVISM, KUDANKULAM ANTI-NUCLEAR SATYAGRAHA, INDIA | Comments Off on Catholic Activists Arrested at Kansas City Nuclear Weapons Facility)
Pakistan – A Disaster of Daunting Magnitude
Miami Herald, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Pakistan – A Disaster of Daunting Magnitude)
Open Letter to the Panorama BBC Team
Mairead Maquire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (NOBEL LAUREATES | 1 Comment »)
Education and Peacebuilding
Johan Galtung, 23 Aug 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 2 Comments »)
Geronimo’s Remains to Remain with Skull and Bones: Judge Dismisses Lawsuit
Grant Lawrence – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Geronimo’s Remains to Remain with Skull and Bones: Judge Dismisses Lawsuit)
Nagasaki Remembers Atomic Victims
Wayne Hay – Al Jazeera
August 16th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Nagasaki Remembers Atomic Victims)
Civilian Peace Service
Johan Galtung, 16 Aug 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 3 Comments »)
World Feeling the Heat as 17 Countries Experience Record Temperatures
John Vidal, environment editor – The Guardian
August 16th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on World Feeling the Heat as 17 Countries Experience Record Temperatures)
Humanitarian Catastrophe in Niger: Where is This Story?
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey – Pravda
August 16th, 2010 (AFRICA | Comments Off on Humanitarian Catastrophe in Niger: Where is This Story?)
(Portuguese) Água como Mercadoria
Frei Betto – Mercado Ético
August 16th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Água como Mercadoria)
Evil Inequality in the Works for the Web
Laura Flanders, GRITtv – The Nation
August 16th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Evil Inequality in the Works for the Web)
Omar Khadr, Bradley Manning and Our National Psyche
Lawrence Davidson - Reader Supported News
August 16th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Omar Khadr, Bradley Manning and Our National Psyche)
The U.S. Ploy to Promote Genetically Engineered Seeds and Pesticides to Poor Mexican Farmers Is Impoverishing Their Communities
Jill Richardson - AlterNet
August 16th, 2010 (ORGANIC, GMO, GENETIC ENGINEERING | Comments Off on The U.S. Ploy to Promote Genetically Engineered Seeds and Pesticides to Poor Mexican Farmers Is Impoverishing Their Communities)
Israel Again Razes Bedouin Village
CNN Wire Staff – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Israel Again Razes Bedouin Village)
News at 11: How Climate Change Affects You
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!
August 16th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on News at 11: How Climate Change Affects You)
Vanunu upon Release from Jail: Let Me Leave This Country
Raanan Ben-Zur, AFP – YNetNews
August 16th, 2010 (NEWS | 1 Comment »)
Pakistan Floods, Russia Heat Match Climate Trend
Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent - Reuters
August 16th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Pakistan Floods, Russia Heat Match Climate Trend)
The Horrific Derivatives Bubble That Could One Day Destroy the Entire World Financial System
Michael Snyder – The Economic Collapse
August 16th, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on The Horrific Derivatives Bubble That Could One Day Destroy the Entire World Financial System)
USA to Establish Genetically Modified Totalitarian Regime on World Food Market
Sergey Nikolayev – Pravda
August 16th, 2010 (ORGANIC, GMO, GENETIC ENGINEERING | Comments Off on USA to Establish Genetically Modified Totalitarian Regime on World Food Market)
Press Censorship: How the Truth Was Hidden About Nagasaki
Greg Mitchell – The Nation
August 16th, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Press Censorship: How the Truth Was Hidden About Nagasaki)
(Portuguese) Transgénicos: Nome de Código, “Monsanto”
Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Transgénicos: Nome de Código, “Monsanto”)
How Facebook Betrayed Users and Undermined Online Privacy
Allan Badiner - Alternet
August 16th, 2010 (MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on How Facebook Betrayed Users and Undermined Online Privacy)
Guantánamo’s Child-Soldier Trial
Amy Davidson - The New Yorker
August 16th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Guantánamo’s Child-Soldier Trial)
Europe: Citizen Rights Don’t Apply to Roma
Claudia Ciobanu – Inter Press Service-IPS
August 16th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Europe: Citizen Rights Don’t Apply to Roma)
Audio Podcast Interview with Johan Galtung
Panopticon Podcast – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (TRANSCEND News | 1 Comment »)
Warp and Weft of Future Governance
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Warp and Weft of Future Governance)
Post-Copenhagen Quest for Global Warming Accord Stuck in Reverse
Pete Spotts - The Christian Science Monitor
August 16th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Post-Copenhagen Quest for Global Warming Accord Stuck in Reverse)
Earth Song
Michael Jackson – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Earth Song)
China-Japan: Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands Conflict
COVA-Confederation of Voluntary Associations - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (ANALYSIS | 1 Comment »)
Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Even when it’s not out of sight)
Dahr Jamail – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Even when it’s not out of sight))
Your Mobile Phone May Be Bugging You, Hackers Warn
Stephen Foley – The Independent
August 16th, 2010 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on Your Mobile Phone May Be Bugging You, Hackers Warn)
(Russian) Миру грозит продовольственный тоталитаризм
Сергей Николаев - Правда
August 16th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Russian) Миру грозит продовольственный тоталитаризм)
Some of the Last Words of Rachel Corrie to Her Mother
Submitted by Dr. Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (NONVIOLENCE, ACTIVISM, TRANSCEND MEMBERS, PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Some of the Last Words of Rachel Corrie to Her Mother)
Activists Storm Field, Crush GM Maize
ANSA/Italy – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (ACTIVISM | Comments Off on Activists Storm Field, Crush GM Maize)
Google-Verizon Pact Worse than Feared
Free Press – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Google-Verizon Pact Worse than Feared)
From Marx to Goldman Sachs: The Fictions of Fictitious Capital
Michael Hudson - ICH
August 16th, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on From Marx to Goldman Sachs: The Fictions of Fictitious Capital)
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Symmetric)
The BP Cover-Up
Julia Whitty – Mother Jones
August 16th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The BP Cover-Up)
CrossTalk: Is Israel a Rogue State?
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on CrossTalk: Is Israel a Rogue State?)
A Prison That Stains US Moral Authority
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on A Prison That Stains US Moral Authority)
Going Organic: The Siege on Gaza
Jon Elmer – Al Jazeera
August 16th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Going Organic: The Siege on Gaza)
Malu ‘Aina – Volunteers of All Skills, and No Particular Skills, Needed!
Jim Albertini, Center for Nonviolent Education and Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2010 (APPEALS | Comments Off on Malu ‘Aina – Volunteers of All Skills, and No Particular Skills, Needed!)
Hackers Turned Gatekeepers: Digital Vigilantes with a Moral Code
Stephen Foley – The Independent
August 9th, 2010 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on Hackers Turned Gatekeepers: Digital Vigilantes with a Moral Code)
Ministries of Peace?
Johan Galtung
August 9th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 4 Comments »)
Exclusive: Caught in America’s Legal Black Hole
Robert Verkaik – The Independent
August 9th, 2010 (CURRENT AFFAIRS | Comments Off on Exclusive: Caught in America’s Legal Black Hole)
How Facts Backfire
Joe Keohane – The Boston Globe
August 9th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on How Facts Backfire)
From Church Bulletins
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on From Church Bulletins)
Press TV Under Attack
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Press TV Under Attack)
Economists Tell the Masses: “It Could Have Been Worse”
Dean Baker – Truthout
August 9th, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Economists Tell the Masses: “It Could Have Been Worse”)
(Russian) Скандал в Осло, или Как трактовать Нобеля
Иван Туляков - Правда
August 9th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Russian) Скандал в Осло, или Как трактовать Нобеля)
The Thinker: Neighbors Like These
Dr. Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Thinker: Neighbors Like These)
We’re Hot as Hell and We’re Not Going to Take It Any More
Bill McKibben - TomDispatch
August 9th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on We’re Hot as Hell and We’re Not Going to Take It Any More)
Nuke U: How the University of California Is Helping to Blow Up the World
Norman Solomon – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Nuke U: How the University of California Is Helping to Blow Up the World)
WikiLeaks in Baghdad
Sarah Lazare and Ryan Harvey – The Nation
August 9th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on WikiLeaks in Baghdad)
Kashmir on Fire Again as Indian Troops Shoot to Kill
Barbara Crossette – The Nation
August 9th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Kashmir on Fire Again as Indian Troops Shoot to Kill)
Advocacy from Afar – Towards Human Rights for Victims of Sri Lanka’s Civil War
Nirmanusan Balasundaram – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | 1 Comment »)
Six and a Half Decades after ‘Little Boy’: Hiroshima Fights to Keep Memory of Nuclear Attack Alive
Till Mayer in Hiroshima, Japan - Spiegel
August 9th, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Six and a Half Decades after ‘Little Boy’: Hiroshima Fights to Keep Memory of Nuclear Attack Alive)
Beyond Violence and Nonviolence: Resistance as a Culture
Ramzy Baroud - Truthout
August 9th, 2010 (ANALYSIS | Comments Off on Beyond Violence and Nonviolence: Resistance as a Culture)
Call to President Obama and World Leaders to Help Mordechai Vanunu Get His Freedom
TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (NOBEL LAUREATES | Comments Off on Call to President Obama and World Leaders to Help Mordechai Vanunu Get His Freedom)
Banking on Hunger
Alan Maass – Socialist Worker
August 9th, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Banking on Hunger)
AFRICOM and Uganda’s Dance with Death
Dallas Darling – Truthout
August 9th, 2010 (AFRICA | 1 Comment »)
And Now For Some Good News
Johann Hari – The Independent
August 9th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | 1 Comment »)
The Burma Insurgency
COVA-Confederation of Voluntary Associations - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (ANALYSIS | 1 Comment »)
Oxpeace – Professor Johan Galtung
Andy Russell - Different Films
August 9th, 2010 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS, SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Oxpeace – Professor Johan Galtung)
Crime and Punishment under Capitalism
Paul D’Amato – Socialist Worker
August 9th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Crime and Punishment under Capitalism)
Haiti’s Colonial Overlord
Ashley Smith – Socialist Worker
August 9th, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Haiti’s Colonial Overlord)
Has The Internet Just Sold Its Soul?
Stephen Foley in New York – The Independent
August 9th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | 1 Comment »)
Blackwater: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop
Fouad Pervez – Foreign Policy in Focus
August 9th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Blackwater: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop)
Nobel Peace Prize Loses Nobility
Ivan Tulyakov – Pravda
August 9th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | 1 Comment »)
Blowing the Whistle
Andrew Fowler – Al Jazeera
August 9th, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Blowing the Whistle)
Please Sign the Petition to Release Mordechai Vanunu
TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2010 (APPEALS | 1 Comment »)
Israel Has Crept Into the EU Without Anyone Noticing
Robert Fisk – The Independent
August 9th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Israel Has Crept Into the EU Without Anyone Noticing)
Thank God for the Whistle-Blowers
Robert Scheer - Truthdig
August 9th, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Thank God for the Whistle-Blowers)
Why the World Needs WikiLeaks
Julian Assange – TED
August 9th, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE, Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Why the World Needs WikiLeaks)
Smashed Hopes: Six Months On, Haiti Remains Covered in Rubble
Sandra Schulz in Port-au-Prince - Spiegel
August 9th, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Smashed Hopes: Six Months On, Haiti Remains Covered in Rubble)
When Agrochemical Corporations Invented Nature
Julio Godoy – Inter Press Service
August 9th, 2010 (ORGANIC, GMO, GENETIC ENGINEERING | Comments Off on When Agrochemical Corporations Invented Nature)
Married to the Clinton Mob
Robert Scheer – Truthdig
August 9th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Married to the Clinton Mob)
Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails
Rady Ananda – Global Research
August 2nd, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails)
Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation (PART 1)
Dana Priest and William M. Arkin - The Washington Post
August 2nd, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation (PART 1))
The Fall of the US Empire – And Then What? (Part 1)
Paul Jay interviewing Johan Galtung and Dennis Kucinich -The Real News Network
August 2nd, 2010 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS, Music Video of the Week | 2 Comments »)
Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation (PART 2)
Dana Priest and William M. Arkin - The Washington Post
August 2nd, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation (PART 2))
The Fall of the US Empire – And Then What? (Part 2)
Paul Jay interviewing Johan Galtung and Dennis Kucinich - The Real News Network
August 2nd, 2010 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS, SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on The Fall of the US Empire – And Then What? (Part 2))
Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation (PART 3)
Dana Priest and William M. Arkin -The Washington Post
August 2nd, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation (PART 3))
Cluster Bomb Ban Comes Into Effect
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (NEWS | 1 Comment »)
The Suffering of Fallujah
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The Suffering of Fallujah)
Afghanistan: The War Logs
Simon Rogers – The Guardian
August 2nd, 2010 (MILITARISM, ANGLO AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Afghanistan: The War Logs)
Catalonia Votes to Ban All Forms of Bullfighting in Nationalist Move
Anita Brooks – The Independent
August 2nd, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Catalonia Votes to Ban All Forms of Bullfighting in Nationalist Move)
Brazil: Democracy vs. Poverty
Arthur Ituassu – Open Democracy
August 2nd, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Brazil: Democracy vs. Poverty)
Desmond Tutu Backs U.S. Food Co-Op Boycott of Israeli Products
Natasha Mozgovaya – Haaretz
August 2nd, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Desmond Tutu Backs U.S. Food Co-Op Boycott of Israeli Products)
WikiLeaks’ Afghan War Diary
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW! - Truthdig
August 2nd, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on WikiLeaks’ Afghan War Diary)
(Italian) 21 giugno Strage di piazza della Loggia … A quando la verità?
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) 21 giugno Strage di piazza della Loggia … A quando la verità?)
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Children)
The Shame of the Fourth Estate
Charles Kaiser, Hillman Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Shame of the Fourth Estate)
The Listening Post – South of the Border
Richard Gizbert – Al Jazeera
August 2nd, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on The Listening Post – South of the Border)
(Portuguese) Espiritualidade, Economia e o Mundo dos Negócios
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Espiritualidade, Economia e o Mundo dos Negócios)
Is Israel a Liability for the US?
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera
August 2nd, 2010 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Is Israel a Liability for the US?)
Israel and Palestine
Deena Stryker – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel and Palestine)
Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village)
Cameron Uses Turkish Visit to Launch Ferocious Attack on Israel
Catrina Stewart in Jerusalem – The Independent
August 2nd, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Cameron Uses Turkish Visit to Launch Ferocious Attack on Israel)
U.N. Declares Water and Sanitation a Basic Human Right
Thalif Deen – IPS
August 2nd, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on U.N. Declares Water and Sanitation a Basic Human Right)
New York Times [Int’l Herald Tribune] Reporters Met With White House Before Publishing WikiLeaks Story
Alex Pareene - Salon
August 2nd, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on New York Times [Int’l Herald Tribune] Reporters Met With White House Before Publishing WikiLeaks Story)
(Castellano) El Oprobio del Colonialismo y los Hijos de la Tierra
Por Mauro Altezor, analista – La Republica, Uruguay
August 2nd, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) El Oprobio del Colonialismo y los Hijos de la Tierra)
The Whistleblowers: Is WikiLeaks a Blessing or Curse for Democracy?
John Goetz and Marcel Rosenbach - Spiegel
August 2nd, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Whistleblowers: Is WikiLeaks a Blessing or Curse for Democracy?)
Spying for the USA-And for Peace
Johan Galtung, 2 Aug 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 3 Comments »)
The Angola-Cabinda Conflict
COVA-Confederation of Voluntary Associations – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2010 (ANALYSIS | Comments Off on The Angola-Cabinda Conflict)
Who Cooked the Planet?
Paul Krugman – The New York Times
August 2nd, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Who Cooked the Planet?)
Lobbyists Push Use of Deadly Asbestos in Developing Nations
Jim Morris - International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
July 26th, 2010 (CAPITALISM, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Lobbyists Push Use of Deadly Asbestos in Developing Nations)