Archive for 2010 – Week 0

Rowley, McGovern and Ellsberg — Statement on Wikileaks, June 18 2010
Institute for Public Accuracy-IPA – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Rowley, McGovern and Ellsberg — Statement on Wikileaks, June 18 2010)
ICC Adds Aggression to List of Crimes Despite US Opposition
Jenna Greene – Legal Times
June 21st, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on ICC Adds Aggression to List of Crimes Despite US Opposition)
I Am Too Poor to Go to War…
David Inkey - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on I Am Too Poor to Go to War…)
NPT: Challenging the Nuclear Powers’ Fiefdom
Rebecca Johnson – Open Democracy
June 21st, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on NPT: Challenging the Nuclear Powers’ Fiefdom)
“Leaking This Information is the Act of a Hero”
Mike Gogulski – Help Bradley Manning
June 21st, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on “Leaking This Information is the Act of a Hero”)
Crimes by Israel, Sanctions for Iran
Kourosh Ziabari – Pravda
June 21st, 2010 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Crimes by Israel, Sanctions for Iran)
Tale of Two Nuclear Whistleblowers
David Krieger – Common Dreams
June 21st, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Tale of Two Nuclear Whistleblowers)
Two Empires Falling – But How?
Johan Galtung
June 14th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 5 Comments »)
(Portuguese) Palestina, um Povo em Marcha pela Libertação
Editorial, Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Palestina, um Povo em Marcha pela Libertação)
The Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Framing the Narrative
Amy Goodman – Truthdig
June 14th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Framing the Narrative)
Media-Israel: Beatings, Abuse, Doctored Evidence Emerge
Mel Frykberg – IPS
June 14th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Media-Israel: Beatings, Abuse, Doctored Evidence Emerge)
Johan Galtung on ‘The Fall of the US Empire’
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!
June 14th, 2010 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS, Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Johan Galtung on ‘The Fall of the US Empire’)
While Israel Kills and Maims …
Alison Weir – If Americans Knew
June 14th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on While Israel Kills and Maims …)
Nigeria’s Forgotten Oil Spills
Yvonne Ndege – Al Jazeera
June 14th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Nigeria’s Forgotten Oil Spills)
Groups Around the US Joined Haitian Farmers in Protesting “Donation” of Monsanto Seeds
Beverly Bell - Truthout
June 14th, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Groups Around the US Joined Haitian Farmers in Protesting “Donation” of Monsanto Seeds)
Using the Internet to Save the Rainforest: How an Amazonian Tribe Is Mastering the Modern World
Juliane von Mittelstaedt - Spiegel
June 14th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Using the Internet to Save the Rainforest: How an Amazonian Tribe Is Mastering the Modern World)
Joint Statement on the Armed Assault on Ships to Gaza
Prof. Ernesto Kahan, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Joint Statement on the Armed Assault on Ships to Gaza)
Kashmir: The Hidden Occupation
Yasmin Qureshi – Socialist Worker
June 14th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | 1 Comment »)
This Modern World
Tom Tomorrow – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on This Modern World)
(Portuguese) Dando Nome aos Bois: O Que Houve Foi ‘Pirataria’ e ’Sequestro’
Celso Lungaretti – Pravda
June 14th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Dando Nome aos Bois: O Que Houve Foi ‘Pirataria’ e ’Sequestro’)
(Portuguese) Violência de Israel Faz Parte do Dia-a-Dia do Povo Palestino
Dafne Melo, enviada a Ni’lin (Palestina) – Brasil de Fato
June 14th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Violência de Israel Faz Parte do Dia-a-Dia do Povo Palestino)
Hidden Menace in the Gulf of Mexico: Oil Spill’s Real Threat Lies Beneath the Surface
Philip Bethge - Spiegel
June 14th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Hidden Menace in the Gulf of Mexico: Oil Spill’s Real Threat Lies Beneath the Surface)
W.H. Auden: (1907-1973) Poet of the Age of Anxiety
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on W.H. Auden: (1907-1973) Poet of the Age of Anxiety)
(Portuguese) Haiti: Camponeses Marcham Contra a Monsanto e pela Soberania Nacional
Thalles Gomes Enche, no Haiti – Brasil de Fato
June 14th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Haiti: Camponeses Marcham Contra a Monsanto e pela Soberania Nacional)
Gaza ‘Peace Activists’: A Closer Look at Israel’s Terror Accusations
Yassin Musharbash - Spiegel
June 14th, 2010 (ANALYSIS | Comments Off on Gaza ‘Peace Activists’: A Closer Look at Israel’s Terror Accusations)
(Animal Protection/Cruelty) Flak for Orangutan Kickboxing
Laura Kyle – Al Jazeera
June 14th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on (Animal Protection/Cruelty) Flak for Orangutan Kickboxing)
Rage after the Raid: Israel’s Voyage into Isolation
Spiegel* – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Rage after the Raid: Israel’s Voyage into Isolation)
Conflict Resolution
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Conflict Resolution)
(Italian) Aosta, 2010, June 1. For Freedom Flotilla
Silvia Berruto, amica e persuasa della nonviolenza – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) Aosta, 2010, June 1. For Freedom Flotilla)
Enabling Collective Intelligence in Response to Emergencies
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Enabling Collective Intelligence in Response to Emergencies)
Phenomenon of Ambidextrous Individuals Still Startles Scientists
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on Phenomenon of Ambidextrous Individuals Still Startles Scientists)
(Portuguese) Israel e o Terrorismo de Estado
Prof. Dejalma Cremonese – Brasil de Fato
June 14th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Israel e o Terrorismo de Estado)
Kill a Turk and Rest
Uri Avnery - Gush-Shalom
June 14th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Kill a Turk and Rest)
Report Says Doctors Helped Refine Harsh Methods
Kimberly Dozier, Associated Press – The Miami Herald
June 14th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Report Says Doctors Helped Refine Harsh Methods)
(Castellano) Reflexiones sobre Educación y Paz: Acerca del Campeonato Mundial de Football y la Educación por la Cultura de Paz
Alicia Cabezudo – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Reflexiones sobre Educación y Paz: Acerca del Campeonato Mundial de Football y la Educación por la Cultura de Paz)
Jewish Ideology and World Peace
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | 1 Comment »)
IAEA Turns Its Attention to Israel
Alan Fisher – Al Jazeera
June 14th, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on IAEA Turns Its Attention to Israel)
Shanghai Cooperation Organization to Accept Two Nuclear Enemies
Ivan Tulyakov - Pravda
June 14th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Shanghai Cooperation Organization to Accept Two Nuclear Enemies)
Turkey Goes From Pliable Ally to Thorn for U.S.
Sabrina Tavernise and Michael Slackman – The New York Times
June 14th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Turkey Goes From Pliable Ally to Thorn for U.S.)
The Deadly Closing of the Israeli Mind
Ilan Pappé – The Independent
June 14th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Deadly Closing of the Israeli Mind)
The Real Threat Aboard the Freedom Flotilla
Noam Chomsky – In These Times
June 14th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Real Threat Aboard the Freedom Flotilla)
(Portuguese) ‘Vi Muito Sangue e Comecei a Passar Mal’, Diz Brasileira sobre Ataque de Israel
Babeth Bettencourt - BBC Brasil
June 7th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) ‘Vi Muito Sangue e Comecei a Passar Mal’, Diz Brasileira sobre Ataque de Israel)
(Portuguese) Por que vou a Gaza
Iara Lee – Brasil de Fato
June 7th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Por que vou a Gaza)
The Arms Circus, Israel Keeping the World in Turmoil
Gordon Duff, senior editor – Veterans Today
June 7th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Arms Circus, Israel Keeping the World in Turmoil)
UN orders Israel to lift Gaza blockade
NineMSN – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on UN orders Israel to lift Gaza blockade)
Activists on the Ship ‘Rachel Corrie’ Challenge Israel’s Unjust Gaza Blockade and Zionist Myths
Prof. Ira Chernus - Alternet
June 7th, 2010 (ANALYSIS | Comments Off on Activists on the Ship ‘Rachel Corrie’ Challenge Israel’s Unjust Gaza Blockade and Zionist Myths)
Designing Global Self-governance for the Future
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Designing Global Self-governance for the Future)
Censorship in a Slingshot
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on Censorship in a Slingshot)
End of Moratorium on Whaling Threatens More Blood in the Seas
Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor – The Independent
June 7th, 2010 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on End of Moratorium on Whaling Threatens More Blood in the Seas)
International Law and Israel’s War on Gaza
Prof. Francis A. Boyle – Counter Currents
June 7th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | 1 Comment »)
Bilderberg 2010: The Security Lockdown Begins
Charlie Skelton – The Guardian
June 7th, 2010 (CAPITALISM, CURRENT AFFAIRS | 1 Comment »)
Israeli Murders, NATO and Afghanistan
Craig Murray – TRANSCEND Media Service
Israelis Opened Fire before Boarding Gaza Flotilla, Say Released Activists
Dorian Jones in Istanbul and Helena Smith – The Guardian
June 7th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Israelis Opened Fire before Boarding Gaza Flotilla, Say Released Activists)
Children in Prison
Mary McAuley – Open Democracy
June 7th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Children in Prison)
Building Cultures of Peace
Riane Eisler – Yes! magazine
June 7th, 2010 (COOPS-COOPERATION-SHARING, CIVIL SOCIETY | Comments Off on Building Cultures of Peace)
Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) The Highest mountains stand as the witnesses of the Great Reality
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) The Highest mountains stand as the witnesses of the Great Reality)
Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?
RussiaToday – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | 1 Comment »)
A Plague upon the World: The USA is a “Failed State”
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - ICH
June 7th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on A Plague upon the World: The USA is a “Failed State”)
All At Sea
Yvonne Ridley - ICH
June 7th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | 1 Comment »)
How Israel Planned the Flotilla Attack
The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on How Israel Planned the Flotilla Attack)
Armadillo: The Afghanistan War Documentary that Shocked Denmark
Geoffrey Macnab – The Guardian
June 7th, 2010 (MILITARISM, CENTRAL ASIA, EUROPE | Comments Off on Armadillo: The Afghanistan War Documentary that Shocked Denmark)
‘Operation Justified Vengeance’: Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of a Broader Military Agenda
Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research
June 7th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on ‘Operation Justified Vengeance’: Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of a Broader Military Agenda)
Oh, God!
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on Oh, God!)
Facebook Future after Boycott
Cath Turner in New York - Al Jazeera
June 7th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Facebook Future after Boycott)
Egypt’s Blockade on Gaza
Ahmad Shokr – ZNet
June 7th, 2010 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Egypt’s Blockade on Gaza)
Can You Be an Environmentalist and Still Eat Meat?
Vanessa Barrington - EcoSalon
June 7th, 2010 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on Can You Be an Environmentalist and Still Eat Meat?)
(Portuguese) Irã: Quem Atira a Primeira Pedra?
Frei Betto – Brasil de Fato
June 7th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Irã: Quem Atira a Primeira Pedra?)
U.S. Blocks Security Council Criticism of Israeli Raid
The Salt Lake Tribune – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on U.S. Blocks Security Council Criticism of Israeli Raid)
Israel Has Crossed the Rubicon
Lynda Brayer – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Israel Has Crossed the Rubicon)
The Myth of Israeli Morality
Lamis Andoni – Al Jazeera
June 7th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Myth of Israeli Morality)
Israeli’s Nuclear Policy: From South Africa to Iran
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Israeli’s Nuclear Policy: From South Africa to Iran)
Israel Boards another Gaza Aid Boat
Jacky Rowland - Al Jazeera
June 7th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Israel Boards another Gaza Aid Boat)
Operation Mini Cast Lead
Gideon Levy - Haaretz
June 7th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Operation Mini Cast Lead)
Australia Acts over Japan Whaling
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on Australia Acts over Japan Whaling)
Israeli Naval Forces Seize Gaza Bound Aid Ship, “Rachel Corrie”
Jason Leopold - Truthout
June 7th, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Israeli Naval Forces Seize Gaza Bound Aid Ship, “Rachel Corrie”)
Listening Project Field Visit Report: Myanmar/Burma
submission from Emma Leslie – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Listening Project Field Visit Report: Myanmar/Burma)
(Portuguese) Estamos Todos Com MV Rachel Corrie
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey – Pravda
June 7th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Estamos Todos Com MV Rachel Corrie)
Israel Averts International Probe on Gaza Atrocities
Thalif Deen - IPS
June 7th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Israel Averts International Probe on Gaza Atrocities)
Interview with Al Jazeera’s Jamal ElShayyal: One of the Passengers on the Mavi Marmara
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Interview with Al Jazeera’s Jamal ElShayyal: One of the Passengers on the Mavi Marmara)
Mexico-USA: Drugs-Arms-Money
Johan Galtung & Fernando Montiel T., 7 Jun 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 4 Comments »)
ICC Accused of Targeting Africa
Mohammed Adow – Al Jazeera
June 7th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on ICC Accused of Targeting Africa)
U.S. Defence Spending Far Outpaces Rest of the World
Amanda Bransford - IPS
June 7th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on U.S. Defence Spending Far Outpaces Rest of the World)
Corporate Greenwash at EU Environment Meet?
David Cronin - IPS
June 7th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Corporate Greenwash at EU Environment Meet?)
Western Leaders are too Cowardly to Help Save Lives
Robert Fisk – The Independent
June 7th, 2010 (CURRENT AFFAIRS | Comments Off on Western Leaders are too Cowardly to Help Save Lives)
Lift the Siege of Gaza
Pat Buchanan - Creators
June 7th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Lift the Siege of Gaza)
Countering Israeli Propaganda
Glenn Greenwald – Salon
June 7th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Countering Israeli Propaganda)
Tribute to the People of Gaza
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (NOBEL LAUREATES | Comments Off on Tribute to the People of Gaza)
U.N. Nuke Meet Ends with Good Intentions and Empty Promises
Thalif Deen - IPS
May 31st, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on U.N. Nuke Meet Ends with Good Intentions and Empty Promises)
Israeli Butchery at Sea
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Israeli Butchery at Sea)
BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet in International Waters
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service 31 May 2010
May 31st, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet in International Waters)
BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet in International Waters
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service 31 May 2010
May 31st, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet in International Waters)
The Brazilian/Turkish Initiative: Rebalancing the World
Prof. Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Brazilian/Turkish Initiative: Rebalancing the World)
The 2010 National Security Strategy
Fred Dubee – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The 2010 National Security Strategy)
Sri Lanka War Crimes
TMS Editor
May 31st, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Sri Lanka War Crimes)
From Japan to Guam to Hawai’i, Activists Resist Expansion of US Military Presence in the Pacific
Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on From Japan to Guam to Hawai’i, Activists Resist Expansion of US Military Presence in the Pacific)
Nuclear Fuel Swap Deal: US Sabotages ‘Unique Opportunity’ for Peaceful Resolution with Iran
Finian Cunningham – Global Research
May 31st, 2010 (ENERGY | Comments Off on Nuclear Fuel Swap Deal: US Sabotages ‘Unique Opportunity’ for Peaceful Resolution with Iran)
Looking for an Alternative to Capitalism
Alan Maass - Socialist Worker
May 31st, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Looking for an Alternative to Capitalism)
The US-Russia START Treaty: Just What Does “Arms Control” Really Mean?
Darwin Bond-Graham – Truthout
May 31st, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on The US-Russia START Treaty: Just What Does “Arms Control” Really Mean?)
Framing Pakistan: How the Pro-Israel Media Enables India’s Surrogate Warfare
Maidhc Ó Cathail – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (CURRENT AFFAIRS | Comments Off on Framing Pakistan: How the Pro-Israel Media Enables India’s Surrogate Warfare)
Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892 – 1950) The World stands out on either side, no wider than the heart is wide
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892 – 1950) The World stands out on either side, no wider than the heart is wide)
Amnesty: U.S., Europe Shielding Israel over Gaza War Crimes
Haaretz Service and News Agencies
May 31st, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Amnesty: U.S., Europe Shielding Israel over Gaza War Crimes)
(Italian) Alla Ricerca di Consenso
Leo Hoffmann-Axthelm – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) Alla Ricerca di Consenso)
The NPT and the Nuclear Power TRAP
Diane Perlman, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Assessing Maoists Janaandolan III in Theory
Bishnu Pathak, Ph.D. - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 2 Comments »)
The NPT Review: Business as Usual Now, Disarmament Perhaps Later
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The NPT Review: Business as Usual Now, Disarmament Perhaps Later)
(French) Quel Retour à Marx Pour Penser Notre Temps?
Laurent Etre – l’Humanité
May 31st, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (French) Quel Retour à Marx Pour Penser Notre Temps?)
What Is Gaza’s Legal Status?
Abbas Al Lawati – Gulf News
May 31st, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on What Is Gaza’s Legal Status?)
Former CIA Officer on Iran: Brazil and Turkey Are Vital Checks and Balances
Graham E. Fuller – The Christian Science Monitor
May 31st, 2010 (CONFLICT RESOLUTION - MEDIATION, ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, ENERGY, BRICS, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Former CIA Officer on Iran: Brazil and Turkey Are Vital Checks and Balances)
Conflict and Fragility
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on Conflict and Fragility)
(Italian) Interviste a Nanni Salio e Angela Dogliotti Marasso
Giselle Dian – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) Interviste a Nanni Salio e Angela Dogliotti Marasso)
A Distinctive Contribution: Radio Magwi FM 92.5 – Sudan
Dominik Lehnert, XCHANGEperspectives – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | 2 Comments »)
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | 2 Comments »)
(Italian) A Proposito di Nonviolenza Evangelica
Enrico Peyretti – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) A Proposito di Nonviolenza Evangelica)
(Portuguese) Organizações Denunciam a Monsanto
Aline Scarso - Radioagência NP
May 31st, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Organizações Denunciam a Monsanto)
When Media Acts Responsibly Everybody Wins
Prof. Parvez Ahmed – Common Ground
May 31st, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on When Media Acts Responsibly Everybody Wins)
Status of Women in Post Taliban Afghanistan
Maryam Sakeenah – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC, CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on Status of Women in Post Taliban Afghanistan)
Alliance of Civilisations “Bridging Cultures” for Peace
Beatriz Bissio – TerraViva Europe
May 31st, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Alliance of Civilisations “Bridging Cultures” for Peace)
Loneliness Can Be a Companion, Too
Susie Rushton – The Independent
May 31st, 2010 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on Loneliness Can Be a Companion, Too)
The Sinking of The Cheonan: Another Gulf Of Tonkin Incident
Stephen Gowans – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The Sinking of The Cheonan: Another Gulf Of Tonkin Incident)
Tao of Engagement — Weaponised Interactions and Beyond
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Tao of Engagement — Weaponised Interactions and Beyond)
Environment and Food in Haiti: Two Crises, One Solution
Beverly Bell – Toward Freedom
May 31st, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Environment and Food in Haiti: Two Crises, One Solution)
Where Is the World Economy Heading?
Johan Galtung, 31 May 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 2 Comments »)
(Italian) Sentenza Diaz: Condannati i vertici della Polizia di Stato. Intervista a Lorenzo Guadagnucci
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) Sentenza Diaz: Condannati i vertici della Polizia di Stato. Intervista a Lorenzo Guadagnucci)
Back to Marx: How Can His Work Help Us to Understand Modern Times?
Laurent Etre – l’Humanité
May 31st, 2010 (CURRENT AFFAIRS | Comments Off on Back to Marx: How Can His Work Help Us to Understand Modern Times?)
US Space Weapon Now Circling the Globe
John Lasker – Toward Freedom
May 31st, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on US Space Weapon Now Circling the Globe)
Analysts Question Korea Torpedo Incident
Jeff Stein – The Washington Post
May 31st, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Analysts Question Korea Torpedo Incident)
Non-Proliferation Regime ‘Bankrupt’
Robert Grenier – AlJazeera
May 24th, 2010 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Non-Proliferation Regime ‘Bankrupt’)
The US Civil Rights Revolution
Johan Galtung, 24 May 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 1 Comment »)
Aid Convoy sets off for Gaza
AlJazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (NEWS | 1 Comment »)
How Flossing Can Save Your Life
Simon Usborne – The Independent
May 24th, 2010 (HEALTH | Comments Off on How Flossing Can Save Your Life)
The Heresy of the Greeks Offers Hope
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on The Heresy of the Greeks Offers Hope)
On Accountability for Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Sri Lanka
HRW – Transcend Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on On Accountability for Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Sri Lanka)
One Love – Playing for Change: Peace through Music
Bob Marley - TMS Editor
May 24th, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on One Love – Playing for Change: Peace through Music)
Online Protest Drives Nestlé to Environmentally Friendly Palm Oil
Martin Hickman – The Independent
May 24th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Online Protest Drives Nestlé to Environmentally Friendly Palm Oil)
Former Central Bank Head Karl Otto Pöhl: Bailout Plan Is All About ‘Rescuing Banks and Rich Greeks’
Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Former Central Bank Head Karl Otto Pöhl: Bailout Plan Is All About ‘Rescuing Banks and Rich Greeks’)
Who Sank the South Korean Warship Cheonan?
Tanaka Sakai – The Asia Pacific Journal-Japan Focus
May 24th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | 1 Comment »)
Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds
Beverly Bell – Toward Freedom
May 24th, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds)
India Snubs US, Hails Iran’s N-Plan
The Times of India – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on India Snubs US, Hails Iran’s N-Plan)
Why Humane Meat Is an Oxymoron
Michele Simon - Alternet
May 24th, 2010 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on Why Humane Meat Is an Oxymoron)
Gary Snyder: (1930- ) A Zen View of Nature
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | 1 Comment »)
The Tragicomedy of Iran Sanctions
Massoud Parsi – AlJazeera
May 24th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The Tragicomedy of Iran Sanctions)
New Colonialism: Pentagon Carves Africa into Military Zones
Rick Rozoff – Pambazuka News
May 24th, 2010 (AFRICA | 1 Comment »)
So Much for ‘Understanding’
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on So Much for ‘Understanding’)
U.S. and NATO Accelerate Military Build-Up in Black Sea Region
Rick Rozoff – Global Research
May 24th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on U.S. and NATO Accelerate Military Build-Up in Black Sea Region)
Take the Deal, Mr. President
Pat Buchanan – Creators
May 24th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Take the Deal, Mr. President)
(Castellano) El Imperio Manda, las Colonias Obedecen
Frei Betto & João Pedro Stédile – Question Digital
May 24th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) El Imperio Manda, las Colonias Obedecen)
Why the Times Square Incident Should Be a Turning Point
Dr Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 2 Comments »)
On Location – Battleground Okinawa
Sonia Narang – Global Post
May 24th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on On Location – Battleground Okinawa)
Public Statement – A plea to put an end to massive killing in Bangkok
International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) - TRANSCEND Media Service
Brazil-Turkey Deal with Iran Undermines Big Power Politics
Thalif Deen – TerraViva Europe
May 24th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Brazil-Turkey Deal with Iran Undermines Big Power Politics)
(Castellano) Todos Contra la Violencia
Equipo de Nación – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Todos Contra la Violencia)
Iran Accepts Nuclear-Fuel Swap Deal
AlJazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Iran Accepts Nuclear-Fuel Swap Deal)
Hung Parliament or Hung Parliamentarism?
Johan Galtung, 17 May 2010 - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (EDITORIAL | 1 Comment »)
Noam Chomsky Denied Entry into Israel and West Bank
Amira Hass - Haaretz
May 17th, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Noam Chomsky Denied Entry into Israel and West Bank)
How One Palestinian Village Started a Movement
Sara Reef – Common Ground
May 17th, 2010 (NONVIOLENCE | Comments Off on How One Palestinian Village Started a Movement)
Jerusalem Residents Attack Writer Elie Wiesel over Appeal to Barack Obama
Chris McGreal – The Guardian
May 17th, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Jerusalem Residents Attack Writer Elie Wiesel over Appeal to Barack Obama)
Why the ‘Experts’ Failed to See How Financial Fraud Collapsed the Economy
James K. Galbraith - AlterNet
May 17th, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Why the ‘Experts’ Failed to See How Financial Fraud Collapsed the Economy)
After Religion Fizzles, We’re Stuck with Nietzsche
Chris Hedges - Truthdig
May 17th, 2010 (CAPITALISM, RELIGION, SPIRITUALITY | Comments Off on After Religion Fizzles, We’re Stuck with Nietzsche)
Bye Bye Democracy! Hello Army-State!
Dr. Zarni – The Irrawaddi, Burma
May 17th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Bye Bye Democracy! Hello Army-State!)
Arundhati Roy
Avi Lewis – Al Jazeera
May 17th, 2010 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Arundhati Roy)
On My Way to Athens
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | 1 Comment »)
7 Things to Stop Doing Now on Facebook
Consumer Reports Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (PUBLIC SERVICE | Comments Off on 7 Things to Stop Doing Now on Facebook)
The Second Debt Storm
Alistair Barr - MarketWatch
May 17th, 2010 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on The Second Debt Storm)
Let’s Rejoice in Terror’s Benefits!
John Kirby - The Providence Journal
May 17th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Let’s Rejoice in Terror’s Benefits!)
Vanunu Returns to Prison and the End of Israel’s Nuclear Ambiguity
Eileen Fleming - Countercurrents
May 17th, 2010 (NEWS | Comments Off on Vanunu Returns to Prison and the End of Israel’s Nuclear Ambiguity)
Rescuing Greece or the Banks?
Lee Sustar – Socialist Worker
May 17th, 2010 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Rescuing Greece or the Banks?)
Modern Saint of Family Unity
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Modern Saint of Family Unity)
A Real Truth Commission for Honduras
Bertha Oliva – The Huffington Post
May 17th, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on A Real Truth Commission for Honduras)
Why Privacy on Facebook Is ‘Virtually Impossible’
Erik Hayden - Miller-McCune
May 17th, 2010 (PUBLIC SERVICE | Comments Off on Why Privacy on Facebook Is ‘Virtually Impossible’)
Israel’s Tourism Ministry Is Wiping Palestinians off the Map
Daoud Kuttab - Haaretz
May 17th, 2010 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel’s Tourism Ministry Is Wiping Palestinians off the Map)
An Account of the General Strike in Nepal
Suvrat Raju – Monthly Review
May 17th, 2010 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on An Account of the General Strike in Nepal)
Facebook Takes Flak over Privacy
Omar Chatriwala - AlJazeera
May 17th, 2010 (PUBLIC SERVICE | Comments Off on Facebook Takes Flak over Privacy)
“The People of Greece Are Fighting for the Whole of Europe”
Democracy Now! - Tariq Ali and Mark Weisbrot
May 17th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on “The People of Greece Are Fighting for the Whole of Europe”)
Foreign-Led Commission Now Governs Haiti
Beverly Bell - Truthout
May 17th, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Foreign-Led Commission Now Governs Haiti)
Biodiversity: We Can Live Without Oil, but not Without Flora and Fauna
Stephen Leahy – IPS
May 17th, 2010 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Biodiversity: We Can Live Without Oil, but not Without Flora and Fauna)
Growing Outcry over Facebook Privacy Changes
AlJazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE, SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Growing Outcry over Facebook Privacy Changes)
Finance 202: How We Became Debt Slaves (And Learned to Love It)
Gordon Arnaut - ICH
May 17th, 2010 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Finance 202: How We Became Debt Slaves (And Learned to Love It))
Racist Joke
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | 2 Comments »)
(Castellano) La Religión de Mercado
Eric Toussaint - Rebelión
May 17th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) La Religión de Mercado)
From Shas to Hamas: The Group Behind the South Park Controversy
Maidhc Ó Cathail - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on From Shas to Hamas: The Group Behind the South Park Controversy)
Iran-Brazil Ties: Lula hopes to broker Iran deal
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Iran-Brazil Ties: Lula hopes to broker Iran deal)
Fortress Guam: Resistance to US Military Mega-Buildup
LisaLinda Natividad and Gwyn Kirk – The Asia Pacific Journal
May 17th, 2010 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Fortress Guam: Resistance to US Military Mega-Buildup)
Brazil and Cuba Become an Example of Cooperation in Vaccines
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Brazil and Cuba Become an Example of Cooperation in Vaccines)
Velimir Khlebnikov: The Futurian (1895-1922)
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2010 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Velimir Khlebnikov: The Futurian (1895-1922))
Differences on Brazil’s Iran Engagement
Gabriel Elizondo - Al Jazeera
May 17th, 2010 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Differences on Brazil’s Iran Engagement)
(Portuguese) Privatizada há 13 Anos, Vale Viola Direitos em 30 Países
Jorge Américo - Radioagência NP
May 17th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Privatizada há 13 Anos, Vale Viola Direitos em 30 Países)
Nepal’s Peace Process Towards Ambiguity
Bishnu Pathak, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 12th, 2010 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Nepal’s Peace Process Towards Ambiguity)
Now a Global Player, the South Must Develop Its Media
Mario Lubetkin – Inter Press Service
May 10th, 2010 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Now a Global Player, the South Must Develop Its Media)
The Role of Natural Resources in Civil Wars
Phumlani Majavu – Toward Freedom
May 10th, 2010 (AFRICA | Comments Off on The Role of Natural Resources in Civil Wars)
(Castellano) Terrorismo de Estado en Nombre de la Paz
Prof. James Petras – TeleSur
May 10th, 2010 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Terrorismo de Estado en Nombre de la Paz)