
JOKE OF THE WEEK, 14 Mar 2011

TMS Editor

One day, a priest was walking through a forest, when he came upon a pond. On the pond was a lily-pad, and on the lily-pad was the saddest frog the priest had ever seen!

“Dear frog” the priest asked, “what is the matter? Why re you so sad?”

“Well,” said the frog, “I was not always a frog.”

“Tell me more” said the priest.

“One day, I was walking through these woods when I came upon a wicked witch. ‘Stand aside witch’ I said to her. But alas, she called me a nasty cheeky boy and turned me into a frog.”

“But that’s terrible! Isn’t there anything that can be done to reverse the spell?” asked the priest.

“Well” said the frog, “if a kind person were to take me home for the night, feed me and put me to sleep on their pillow, I am sure I would wake up human again.”

“Well, this is your lucky day!” said the priest.

So he took the frog home, fed him and put him to sleep on his pillow. And lo and behold, when he woke up the next morning, there was a 10 year old choir boy in his bed!

“And that Your Honor is the case for the Defense!”


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 14 Mar 2011.

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