Some Church

JOKE OF THE WEEK, 17 Oct 2011

Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service

At an Irish bar, there was a contest for the best toast.  The winner was Patrick, who exclaimed, “May I spend many happy hours between the legs of my wife!”  When he came home, he proudly told his wife that he had been the winner for formulating the best toast, and it was about her.  “What did you say?” she asked.  “May I spend many happy hours sitting next to my wife in church.”  She was very pleased.  The next day, a neighbor sheepishly greeted her and said her husband had offered a great toast about her.  She said, “He was really pretending.  The first time he fell asleep, and the second time I had to pull him by his ear to come!”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 17 Oct 2011.

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