Two More

JOKE OF THE WEEK, 7 Nov 2011

Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service

An Indian went with his wife on a trip to Jerusalem.  During their vacation, she unexpectedly died.  He was told that he could have her buried in Jerusalem for only 50 dollars, but if he wanted her to be repatriated to India, it would cost him 5000 dollars.  He chose to have her buried in India. People war perplexed and asked him why.  He explained, “I have heard that some two thousand years ago someone was buried here and he came out of his grave again after three days.”


In 1937, people in the Soviet Union were terrorized by mass arrests. Whole truck loads of people were taken to Siberia and never seen again. In the middle of the night, there was a knock on the entrance to an apartment building. Everyone was absolutely quiet and pretended to sleep. The knocking got louder and louder. Finally, they heard someone trying to break down the door. An old man thought, “I am going to die soon anyway, what do I have to fear, I will answer the door.” He came running back, full of joy and announced, “You can all come out, it is only a fire!”


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 7 Nov 2011.

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One Response to “Two More”

  1. dan horgan says:

    thanks for the jokes Dietrich!! great as always!!

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