Knowledge for/in/through Dignity


Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

In this age of digital learning, so much knowledge Humankind can embrace
but humanizingly, dignifyingly knowledge do we know how to trace?

We know that constructively used knowledge may edify
but can the types of knowledge we create really dignify?

Ever more complex types of knowledge we may recognize
but can the types of knowledge we create really humanize?

What kinds of vital knowledge does Humankind need?
Knowledge that will help the hungry, the starving feed

What can we do when we think that life gives us trouble?
Let´s act with peace and dignity and happiness may double

On the Web, myriad types of scientific knowledge may be found
but how much of that vast knowledge will also be spiritually sound?

If knowledge can be created and used as dignifying power
Why can´t that knowledge also share the beauty of a flower?

What is the ultimate dignifying principle for Humankind to comply?
Our knowledge creation and use should never humiliate; always elevate!

Francisco Gomes de Matos, a peace linguist from Recife, Brazil. Author of Criatividade no Ensino de Inglês, a resource book. São Paulo: DISAL Editora, 2004. Co-founder: The World Dignity University initiative.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 2 Jul 2012.

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