On Writing Peace Poetry

POETRY FORMAT, 23 Jul 2012

Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

When poetry for peace we write
We mean a much  deeper might

Why? Peace-words would never fight
Instead, they suggest a sustainably serene sight

When poems for peace we compose
A world of relational dignity we propose

Peace poetry calls for a life-supporting- and- saving  vocabulary
In such spirit, many kinds of Nonkilling words will be necessary

Through peace through poetry, in many languages, may more people  be educated
As peace-poets, let´s pledge for our poetic-planetary co-responsibility to be elevated.


Francisco Gomes de Matos is a peace linguist and human rights educator from Recife-Brazil, author, among others, of the book Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation (2010, Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu-Hawai’i). Downloadable at www.nonkilling.org. Co-founder: The World Dignity University Initiative.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Jul 2012.

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2 Responses to “On Writing Peace Poetry”

  1. As a POET promoting UNIVERSAL PEACE, I furnish my latest poem on peace, as under:


    Without love ….
    there is no tolerance
    Without tolerance ….
    there is no peace
    Without peace ….
    there is no prosperity
    Without prosperity ….
    there is no happiness
    Without happiness ….
    there is no meaning for life.

    Through love …. blossoms peace,
    Which paves a way for prosperity,
    Through prosperity blossoms happiness
    Which fulfills everything we aspire,
    These are the four strong pillars
    On which our ‘lives’ can build progress;
    These are the four strong options
    On which our ‘future’ can solidly rely,
    These are the four strong spheres
    In which we ought to ‘stand united’.

    Blessed, blessed will be humans
    If everyone strives for universal welfare;
    Stability and integrity, if gets endangered
    The principles of freedom get ditched,
    And, the driving force that lifts us all
    Is unity that breaks all cobwebs of despair,
    And, the fruits of peace will be within reach
    Once we see our fondest hope blossoming.

    (A poem on the twin-blasts that shook
    Hyderabad City, INDIA, on 21.02.2013)

    Shattering and uprooting realism
    A sudden outburst of extremism,
    Shocked the serene city, Hyderabad*
    Melting peace into thin air, it shook all !

    By the massive impact of bomb blasts
    Scores of innocents were slashed apart
    The inhumane, cowardly and cruel act
    Tore the heart of Hyderabad city, apart.

    Yet, undaunted by the prospect of death
    On PEACE, a Hyderabadi still keeps faith;
    Yes, enough of this terrorism and violence
    This is a common man’s voice, in silence.

    Patience and spirit, the main chapters of life
    Can turn life flowery, betwixt gloom and grief;
    And, the merciless and inhuman perpetrators
    Liable for the brutal acts, are certainly traitors.
    Pray God ! Let Hyderabad City recovers soon!
    And, may the departed souls, rest in peace!

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