Rhymed Reflections: Dignity in Human Rights, Literature and Spirituality

POETRY FORMAT, 30 Jul 2012

Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

Dignity in Human Rights

Human Rights educators/practitioners,

In your advocacy, efforts, initiatives for/in/through  Human Rights, much
more dignity you can bring
when you think of Human Rights not only as an inspiring, sustainable
Tradition of humanizing potentialities
when songs of individually/collectively dignifying actions for the
good of Humankind you can sing
and by supporting emerging rights, such as The Right to Peace, you
further dignify Society`s responsibilities.


Dignity in Literature

Literary authors,

to your imaginative verbal art more dignity you can bring
when through  prose or poetry texts a universe  of human-improving
ideas and images you represent,
songs of  compassion, dignity, equality, interdependence and peace you
invite  your readers to sing
and by transcending  traditions and trends, new forms  of
DIGNIliterariness you farsightedly  represent.


Dignity in Spirituality

As spiritual beings,

to our spirituality, more dignity we can bring
when beliefs, values and practices in all religious systems we respect
when songs that strengthen community-spiritually-serving we can sing
by realizing that dignity embedded in faith we can deeply prospect.


Francisco Gomes de Matos is a peace linguist and human rights educator from Recife-Brazil, author, among others, of the book Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation (2010, Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu-Hawai’i). Downloadable at www.nonkilling.org. Co-founder: The World Dignity University Initiative.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 30 Jul 2012.

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