Help Me To Sew Life’s Quilt

POETRY FORMAT, 27 Aug 2012

David Inkey – TRANSCEND Media Service

“Inkey appreciates the TMS publication of his with death poem, but he suggests the TMS coverage would not be complete without also including his sewing life poem.”

Help me to sew life’s quilt…
I count the squares of life’s quilt, with a kind sigh…
And the tally is quite high…

Help me to sew life’s quilt…
I am not all innocent,
Nor am i full of guilt…
Help me to sow life’s quilt…
In a great field I turned around a piece marked Evil,
I found the reversed peace spelled Live…

Help me to sow life’s quilt…
The next peace reads Love…


Dr. Noel David Burleson is an international civil servant focusing on peace, ecology, girls education, water, population and development. As retired UNESCO advisor to UNICEF, he writes with his duonym “david inkey”. After receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard in Social Relations/Social Anthropology, he served as a consultant on family planning and population issues to the International Labor Organization, World Health Organization, and the Food and Agriculture Organization. He is the self-appointed president of Antarctica University and was three times named (by colleagues) the UN Philosopher. Until the UN finds time to name its own Poet Laureate, he assumes this role, as well.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 27 Aug 2012.

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One Response to “Help Me To Sew Life’s Quilt”

  1. david burleson says:

    dear tony, thank u for including the sew poem….peace, david

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