Time Clock of Mind


Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service

For the young men who have been victims of physical abuse, and experienced inner trauma.

sometimes my mind
ticks like a clock,
I can hear
vivid echoes of sixty seconds;
echo after echo
second after second
left after right
and right after left;
echoes move up after down.

ticks of sixty seconds
go on and on in this mind
everyone else
ceases to exist.

ticks of sixty seconds
as if not ticks
but thick water drops
like one after other,
another after another
fall down
from tightly closed tap
under force of the earth.

sixty dreams of life
leaking, one after next
from tightly closed tap,
the time clock of life
uniting with the earth;

of dreams and breath
after being closely locked in life,
like ashes
uniting with the earth.

Sumeet Grover:
– Member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment and of the TRANSCEND Art & Peace Network
– Coordinator of Global Poetry
– A software engineer originally from India, based in the UK.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 6 Aug 2012.

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