A Global Plea for Spiritual Dignity

POETRY FORMAT, 24 Sep 2012

Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

Rhymed Reflections

In polite conversation, we sometimes use the phrase “in all due respect”
but in our public interactions, how do we one another relationally affect?

On DIGNITY the wise tradition of HUMAN RIGHTS is firmly based
but how dignifyingly are universal human problems being faced?

To different belief systems we may belong but such differences notwithstanding
do we succeed globally in sustaining DIGNITY through spiritual understanding?

When religious/spiritual systems are communicatively disrespected and violated
Universal spiritual dignity is not only being infected but literally decimated
Ecumenically we say that in all spiritual systems that we can live by
there is a supernatural being/force/power that can lift us on high
What is sadly shown when a human being another person`s faith offends?

That Education for Spiritual Dignity is a challenging road that never ends
One day, one day, religious intolerance, violence and killing will globally disappear
For that to happen, let’s start being spiritually worthy right now, right here!


Francisco Gomes de Matos is a peace linguist and human rights educator from Recife-Brazil, author, among others, of the book Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation (2010, Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu-Hawai’i). Downloadable at www.nonkilling.org. Co-founder: The World Dignity University Initiative.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Sep 2012.

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One Response to “A Global Plea for Spiritual Dignity”

  1. […] A Global Plea for Spiritual Dignity. POETRY. by Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service. Rhymed Reflections. In polite conversation, we sometimes use the phrase “in all due respect” but in our public …  […]

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