
POETRY FORMAT, 24 Sep 2012

Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service

There is a virus in the sky
blowing around the world in dark clouds
filling our mouths, ears, eyes, lungs,
our already damaged brains.

Our species coughs and wheezes,
and we can barely help each other.

The immunization shots
provided by religions
didn’t work, or made us sicker.

Faith healers abound, and nostrums.

Mars looks down at us

Did evolution fail,
or is this just the bad start
of a new century,
merely a readjustment,
a fever that will break,
from which we will emerge
convalescent, wiser,
and perhaps even


Tom Greening: “I engage in five professional activities:
Faculty Member at Saybrook University
Private Practice of Psychotherapy
Clinical Professor of Psychology, UCLA
International Editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology
Writing (Poetry).”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Sep 2012.

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