Ink of Failed Conscience


Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service

Once up on a time
Among some other men and women
Called human rights activists
In a wonderful country
Sometimes may be yours or not

Covered skin as a righteous character
Appearing on surface of conflicts
Seems to be the side of victims
Definition today is doubtful

Fights for rights
It is a job well paid
Elite’s cases are handled
Like a lawyer acts

Having not anything bought
Earns more over unexpected
Barking to one side loudly
Licks the other side slowly

Sells killings, violence and tortures
Yearns conflicts and wars
Writes reports and goes for conferences
Grabs projects and funds from donors

For the survival
Consciously or unconsciously
Does not expect
Peaceful solutions

On the way of helping to charismatic issues
Wishes conflicts to be expanded
To write reports and statements
With ink of failed conscience

Domesticated heart body and mind
Unwilling to retreat
Extended greediness
Living in hunting stages

Empathy and sympathy
Gradually dwindled
Shocked heart tears dry up
Killings, disappearance, and abductions
Well trained reports
Fills in the blanks
Of failed humanity questions

Udaya R. Tennakoon – Poet/ Diaspora Writer, Peace and Human Rights Activist. Student at the World Peace Academy, University of Basel, Switzerland.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 8 Oct 2012.

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