TRANSCENDING Multidimensionally: A rhymed reflection


Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

What will happen when politically all Humankind transcend?
To more dignifying political systems we will ascend

What will happen when educationally all Humankind transcend?
To more dignifying educational systems we will ascend

What will happen when communicatively all Humankind transcend?
To more dignifying communicative systems we will ascend

What will happen when nonkillingly all Humankind transcend?
To more dignifying nonkilling ways of living we will ascend

What will happen when economically all Humankind transcend?
To more dignifying economic ways of living we will ascend

What will happen when artistically all Humankind transcend?
To more dignifying artistic ways of creating we will ascend

What will happen when spiritually all Humankind transcend?
To more dignifying spiritual ways of sharing the Earth we will ascend.

Please add to this Checklist and probe the multidimensionality of TRANSCENDing


Francisco Gomes de Matos is a peace linguist and human rights educator from Recife-Brazil, author, among others, of the book Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation (2010, Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu-Hawai’i). Downloadable at Co-founder: The World Dignity University Initiative.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 1 Oct 2012.

Anticopyright: Editorials and articles originated on TMS may be freely reprinted, disseminated, translated and used as background material, provided an acknowledgement and link to the source, TMS: TRANSCENDING Multidimensionally: A rhymed reflection, is included. Thank you.

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3 Responses to “TRANSCENDING Multidimensionally: A rhymed reflection”

  1. satoshi says:

    Francisco Gomes de Matos’ poems are wonderful. I enjoy reading them and I learn a lot from his poems.

    By the way, may I ask you, Mr. Francisco Gomes de Matos, to prepare poems, written specifically from the view point(s) of women, for instance?

    May I ask you to prepare poems, written specifically from the view point(s) of an ethnic, cultural, or religious minority, for instance?

    Once again, thank you very much for beautiful poems.

    • francisco says:

      Dear Satoshi,

      How kind of you. Appreciate your interest in my poems.

      You might like to download some of my posters (most of

      them in English;some in Portuguese) on a variety of

      global issues (one of them on Women`s Rights),so please

      access and click on posters.

      Sunniest regards from Recife,Brazil


      • satoshi says:

        Thank you for informing me of that website.

        Have a nice weekend, Mr. Francisco Gomes de Matos.

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