Who Is the Terrorist….???

POETRY FORMAT, 26 Nov 2012

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza – TRANSCEND Media Service

On everybody’s tongue
From every media organ
These words common

Listen we like sermon
As from a holy priest
Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist

Every leader’s slogan
East, West or the UN
The “war on terror”
The “war on terror”
Every nation’s mission
Combat how to terrorism
But… Without knowing the gist
Without differentiating charity or interest
Without knowing supremacy and thirst
Without knowing who is the real terrorist
[One who invades, ruins others nation, makes colonies?
Or one who defends his land, fights injustices, tyrannies
One fighting with mere guns, stones
Or one with missiles, tanks, planes
One who already has nuclear bomb
Or one who tries to make to defend?
One, who oppresses, keeps others mum by its might?
Or one who fights for self-rule as basic human right?
One whose every right is treated wrong
Or one whose every wrong considered right
One, from whom whole world scares,
Or one who is forced, a terrorist
And so on, so forth … Keep saying if we truth … ]

Look how this world is engaged
In unnecessary conflicts, ravaged
Imposed how “war of terror”
In the shield of “war on terror”

See if we other side of the coin
This play of goat and the loin
Go if we behind suicide attack
And try to know the fact
[Kill we others and life we expect
Use we force and others not to react]
Find we will every answer
Of all violence, all cancer
Alas! No body but goes
Tries to know or dares
The root cause of terrorism
And supports blindly heroism
So called “War on Terrorism”
Which utterly is revenge, egoism

Launching instead of terror campaigns
US, UN listen if Muslims’ complaints
With respect, tolerance, and affinity
Without hatred, business and enmity
And solve them from the root
No body would be a terrorist?
No one will blow his body?
And end his dear life in dismay
No matter our world will be heaven
There would be no September 11

Otherwise we will continue to suffer
By jets, missiles or suicide bombers
And keep on producing terrorists
Out of greedy, selfish, tyrant acts


Dr. M. Ashaq Raza: Former Director of Research at Eritrean Institute of Technology (EIT), State of Eritrea, currently an academician in Department of Higher Education, Govt of Jammu and Kashmir (India). Founder “Attitude Change International”, a non-Profit Peace NGO engaged in sustainable peace and development. An all time volunteer for greater good, and associated with various national and international development organizations especially Red Cross, Rotary International, Amnesty International and UN.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 26 Nov 2012.

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One Response to “Who Is the Terrorist….???”

  1. David Doerr says:

    Dr. Raza presents a number of good points, yet doesn’t include dependence on God as part of the solution. The question becomes, then, how to find God within ourselves, and how to approach God for help.

    Dr. Raza fails to mention that the unbridled increase in the number of humans on the planet during the last twenty-five years (mostly in poor, underdeveloped nations), has created the environment for violence to grow. We have – owing to a lack of stewardship from those who would govern – generated endless cheap labor, and countless thralls. Dr. Raza needs to give that reality more thought. When you flood the planet with two billion more souls in twenty-five years, you are creating the conditions for violence.

    Dr. Raza speaks of self-rule and self-defense of one’s land as basic human rights. That is exactly what Northwester Europeans believe. However, when a culture multiplies without regard for the sovereignty of other nations, then they become the agressors, when they begin to infiltrate the realm of the other culture.

    In order to determine who is at fault in a given conflict, our leaders of the various religions of the world need to develop a relationship with God, beyond rituals, ceremonies and fine architecture. They must learn that communion with God involves seeking signs and revelations from God. It is through the perception of signs and revelations that conflicts could be resolved. Yet, we see absolutely no discussion of this from our intellectuals. Perhaps in their next lifetimes, these intellectuals will be placed somewhere so that they will learn the meaning of stewardship.

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