Land to the Tiller

POETRY FORMAT, 10 Dec 2012

Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service

Cracked and clef soil of tolerated native mother
Beaten halo, attacked by the sun
Being friend and enemy to the end
Monsoon rain drops cried tears

Beyond of measure of sufferings keep in heart
Obeying to nature of god the body always brooks
Courageous mind and crooked back life domesticates
Keeping the dream of the beauty and smell of rose

Barren soil turning into fertile
Making dug well wetted over the land
Reaping seeds beget color of green
Mother of native attests through the centuries in time

By the history, for the people
Hostage curse is inherited
By the heart, for own future
To struggle of unjust is unavoidable

Righteous reality locking by suppression
Release of violence guides the admission
Ceaseless hope of legacy with permission
Though dark, for light dawn of full moon

Udaya R. Tennakoon – Poet/ Diaspora Writer, Peace and Human Rights Activist. Student at the World Peace Academy, University of Basel, Switzerland.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 10 Dec 2012.

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