Be Human

POETRY FORMAT, 14 Jan 2013

M. Ashaq Raza – TRANSCEND Media Service

Sip by sip
Drop by drop
Drink we life’s wine
The world looks so fine
Some say it is mine
Some say it is mine
It belongs to but none
Except the God’s reign
Why then
This quarrel and fight
Why this ‘might is right’
Why this caste and creed
Why this egoism and greed
Why not simply a human
May an Indian or a Roman
Yes, be human

M. Ashaq Raza, Ph.D.: Ass. professor of botany, Govt. College for Women, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu; former director of research at Eritrean Institute of Technology; currently an academician in Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir (India). Founder/president “Attitude Change International”, a non-profit peace NGO engaged in sustainable peace and development; charter president, Rotary Club of Darhal Malikan. Website:

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 14 Jan 2013.

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