On my Soul

POETRY FORMAT, 14 Jan 2013

Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

Rhymed Reflection

Although my SOUL I can´t see
It is a deep PRESENCE in me

Although my SOUL I  can´t hear
Its voice tells me: Have  no fear

Although my SOUL I can´t reach
I´m blessed: soulfully I can teach

Although concrete things about my SOUL I can`t say
I am blessed : as a human being ,soulfully I can pray

Although physically  Death I can`t survive
I´m blessed : spiritually I´ll always be alive


Francisco Gomes de Matos is a peace linguist and human rights educator from Recife-Brazil, author, among others, of the book Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation (2010, Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu-Hawai’i). Downloadable at www.nonkilling.org. Co-founder: The World Dignity University Initiative.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 14 Jan 2013.

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