Transcend Peace University Online Courses
Erika Degortes – TRANSCEND Peace University
All-online courses on peace, conflict transformation, mediation, peace education, nonviolence and more.
TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU) is pleased to announce its call for applications for the academic year 2013:
Certificate Online Courses – First Term of 2013: March 12th – May 30th
-12 weeks all-online courses –
Addressed to: journalists, social scientists, peace researchers, government- and non-government practitioners as well as students
Fees: 1 course:
Course Fee for OECD Countries: 600 €
Course fee for NON-OECD Countries: 300€
2 courses:
Course Fee for OECD Countries: 1.000 € instead of 1.200 €
Course fee for NON-OECD Countries: 500 € instead of 600 €
Participants who may wish to enroll in more than 2 courses will get an additional reduction.
14 Certificate online courses offered during the 1st term of 2013:
ACT: Advanced Conflict Transformation – Six concrete cases
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Kees Van der Veer
Contending Theories of International Relations
Course instructor: Prof. Paul D. Scott
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. H.B. Danesh
Course instructor: Dr. Gal Harmat, Yotam Ben Meir
In revolutionary times, critical journalism as a means to social transformation
Course instructorin: Danya Nadar
Interventions in the Aftermath of Civil Wars
Course instructor: Dr. Claude R. Shema
Methods of Analysis and Research for Peace
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Alberto L`Abate
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. Jørgen Johansen
Course instructor: Antonino Drago
Principles of Peace-Based Leadership and Governance
Course instructor: Prof. Dr. H.B. Danesh
Responsibility to Protect or Humanitarian Imperialism: Debating and Discussing Intervention
Course instructor: Prof. Paul D. Scott
Security Studies: Theory of Human Security
Course instructor: Dr. Bishnu Pathak
Enrollment: You can enroll online via
Courses: 12-weeks all online course designed for fully-employed participants and students who want to broaden their expertise additionally to their professional work combining autonomous work, exchange with participants from all over the world and constant feedback from highly experienced course instructors.
Though the working language is English, we pay special attention to applicants who experience difficulties with it. Adequate assistance will be available from Prof. Galtung’s tutors in Italian, French, German and Spanish.
For more information and application, please visit our website or contact us by email at
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 25 Feb 2013.
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