Jerusalem Man Forced to Demolish His Own Home


Ma’an News – TRANSCEND Media Service

A Palestinian was forced to demolish his own home in East Jerusalem on Monday [4 Mar 2013] after Israel issued a demolition order for his property.

Daoud Eseid demolished his home to avoid paying the fees charged by Israeli authorities if Israeli forces had carried out the demolition, he told Ma’an.

“I am unemployed at the moment and have seven children. We suffer daily from Israeli brutality,” the Old City resident told Ma’an.

Since 2004, Israel has demolished 436 Palestinian houses in East Jerusalem, leaving 1,708 people homeless, according to the Israeli rights group B’Tselem.

Israeli authorities have also revoked the status of 14,084 Palestinian Jerusalemites since 1967, no longer permitting them to live in the city.

There are around 360,882 Palestinians in Jerusalem, or 38 percent of the city’s population.

Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967 and formally annexed the area in 1980 after passing the ‘Jerusalem Law’.

Jerusalem is one of the key final status issues in any future peace agreement.

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