KKNPP 3 & 4 Announcement – A Cruel Joke on Indians and Our Democracy
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21, 2013
The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) has approved the proposal to grant administrative and financial sanction for constructing units 3 & 4 at the Koodankulam site. This sounds like a practical joke being played on the people of India even as the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Project units 1 & 2 are born still with all kinds of leaks, repairs, technical problems and low quality parts and equipment. The NPCIL and the ministers of the Government of India have announced at least 100 commissioning dates so far from the year 2005.
When the people of southern Tamil Nadu and Kerala have been waging a massive struggle against the Kodankulam project for almost 600 days and the Tamil students all over Tamil Nadu are voicing their opposition to the project, a meeting headed by the Prime Minister of India makes this announcement for 3 & 4. This clearly shows the utter apathy and indifference the UPA government has for the precepts and practices of democracy in India. Maybe, one reason is this foreign-nominated Prime Minister is not elected by the people of India and has never contested any election in his life.
There are several cases pending against the Koodankulam project as a whole and the KKNPP units 3-6 in particular at the Delhi High Court, the Supreme Court and the National Green Tribunal (NGT) about the various clearances, waste management, liability and so on. This announcement amounts to a serious contempt of all these courts.
This desperate announcement also smacks of ingenious designs to conclude all the nuclear agreements well ahead of the upcoming Parliament elections so that the Congress party can pocket all the kickbacks and commissions from these projects before they are thrown to the dustbins of history soon.
The PMANE dismisses this CCS announcement and expresses its determination to fight tooth and nail against the entire Koodankulam nuclear power project.
The Struggle Committee
The People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE)
Idinthakarai & P. O. 627 104
Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 1 Apr 2013.
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