Happy Peace Day [21 September]

POETRY FORMAT, 23 Sep 2013

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza – TRANSCEND Media Service

On this peace day
I wish and pray
For peace and prosperity
Of all mankind, humanity

May no human be ravaged?
The child, youth or old aged
Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian
Jew, Jain, Baha’i or Rastafarian
By war, conflict or the dispute
May all live with dignity, repute?

May crop of peace grow from hatred seeds?
May the tyranny be uprooted as the weeds?
May peace prevail all around?
Work we on common grounds
Fight together we hunger, poverty
The injustices, social evils, illiteracy

May no part of world live in disparity?
Everywhere be joy, peace, prosperity?
May, above all, be the humanity?
All live as member of one family?
May, African, American or Asian,
Europeans or the Australians

On this International peace day
Let all of us pledge and say
From violence stay we will away
Yes,  peace will be our way
So, very happy peace day

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza: A Peace worker and Human Rights activist in Jammu, India.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Sep 2013.

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