Myanmar Is Bleeding P-E-A-C-E


Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service

Yes, the country is now pierced with PEACE.
Peace is bleeding everywhere.
The Nobel Peace Celebrity wants peace.
Myanmar President Nobel-short-listee calls out for peace.
And Presidential Abagyi-mya (military’s step-fathers) now say OK to peace, but, but… “our offshore retirement US$ billions, we really must keep”.
Union Minister Wungyi Aung Min wants peace.
Sweet-talking Myanmar Peace Center’s clowns whore for peace.
Norway’s Myanmar Peace Support Initiative (MPSI) and Telenor desperately want peace.
International peace industry says peace.
Carter and other Elders traveled to Myanmar for PEACE.
Bill and Hilary are said to be coming together for Myanmar’s ritual signing Nation-wide PEACE.
Tony B-Liar is on the frontline of PEACE – for the City, for the BAE.
Myanmar’s cronies would pay for peace,
Alas, only in exchange for 600,000 acres of war zones.
“Donors” would fund anything peace: peace condoms, peace census, peace concerts.
UN’s Ban-ki Mon urges peace, every now and then.
Singaporean real estate developers need peace.
American mountaineers need peace.
EU tourists will be pleased if Myanmar is in peace.
Investors look for signs of peace.
International Crisis Group is tired of spinning for pro-regime peace.

Everybody wants Peace.
Myanmar’s Constitution Defenders endorse peace.
The opposing Constitution Changers wish for peace.
“88 Generation” dissidents crave peace.
Karen National Union leaders would trade peace.
Kachin Independence Army is pressured to ‘peace’.
Wirathu calls for peace.
969 is spreading message of peace.
Interfaith groups foster peace.
Slaughtered Rohingyas would have loved peace.
Rakhine’s Kaman Muslims are crying out for peace.
All Myanmar’s Muslims need peace.
Pro-peace Burmese musicians sing peace.
Our Multiculturalists say they promote “Peace”!

But where is that F-U-C-K-ing  P-E-A-C-E?
Yes, that peace everyone says the country – and the international community – wants
Can’t anyone deliver even the crappy Myanmar-version of PEACE
with the topping of Ngapi, please.
(Ngapi is a traditional Burmese fish paste Kipling called ‘stink fish pickle that ought to have been buried’).
Indeed P-E-A-C-E makes you wait
Until the next Buddha’s anticipated coming
Damn it, Myanmarese Peace is a seasonal kind of peace,
In-between Naypyidaw’s ceasefire cheats.
They the “Buddhists” prays, “May we enter Nirvana”!
Me the heathen says, “Don’t come here, not enough toilet, or beer and cheese to share with neo-Nazi killers!
But, nobody really knows how the hell Nirvana looks,
which direction it is, how to attain it.
Still it takes a long cycle of life to get ‘there’.
Just like Rohingya slow-cooking Genocide of 35 years, Myanmar Peace-building indeed is a process, a process of 60-plus years.
Brother, don’t give up.  Sister, keep negotiating for it.

It will all be well worth it,
with or without your trees, mountains, rivers, gold, jade, ….
Peace is indeed more important than PEOPLE.
Without P-E-A-C-E, Myanmar can’t generate PROFITS!

Maung Zarni, Associate Fellow, the University of Malaya. Dr. Maung Zarni is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment, founder and director of the Free Burma Coalition (1995-2004), and a visiting fellow (2011-13) at the Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit, Department of International Development, London School of Economics. His forthcoming book on Burma will be published by Yale University Press. He was educated in the US where he lived and worked for 17 years. Visit his website

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 7 Oct 2013.

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