Israel: An Obstacle to World Peace

POETRY FORMAT, 21 Jul 2014

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza – TRANSCEND Media Service

The nation yesterday we over empowered
Today is out of control of any super power
Neither any law works there, nor any order
The US, UN, NATO, EU, all are now weaker

The people, killed by Hitler like wild beast
Expelled from Europe, settled in mid-east
Repeated to Palestinians same barbarism
Made Israel epicentre of global terrorism

Caused 9/11 and created Osama bin Laden
Made suicide bombers, killed fellow humans
Destroyed nations, divided human civilization
Increased human sufferings, refugees, orphans

Look how bleeds the Gaza these days
No one, no place is safe there to stay
Missiles rain hospitals, mosques, schools
Covered are human bodies in blood pool

The weak pray and the strong stay away
Hence genocide goes on in its own way
The stubborn Israel has become a plague
Hague, London, New York, all now vague

It has engaged the humanity in debacle
To world peace, it is the biggest obstacle
It is biggest threat to peace in the world
It is mother of all conflicts in this world

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza is a Peace Worker and Human Rights activist based in Jammu, India.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 21 Jul 2014.

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