The Bullets Fell in Love with You

POETRY FORMAT, 28 Jul 2014

Maryam Youshizade – TRANSCEND Media Service

You see now?
You were so sweet
You sent kisses to the world
With your hot and wet lips
You were so lovely that the bullets fell in love with you
They wanted to know
How much love
A Heart
As big as your clenched fist
Could stand!
Now, open your eyes and tell me
Didn’t you feel
The pain of the shrapnel shells going into your tender skin.
Tell me you didn’t notice
That We both were buried under the debris.
Tell me that the rain of the bombs
Was not frightening at all
And if you don’t like to say that
Then hide your face
Behind my scarf.
Tell me you were not starving
You didn’t want hot bread and fresh milk
Tell me they buried your doll next to you
And now you do not feel afraid of the darkness of the grave.
Don’t be afraid my darling!
Don’t be afraid!
I’m here
A few steps away
Buried in a grave
With the arms missing you.

Maryam Youshizade is M.A. in counseling psychology, journalist and writer.

Translated by Nasim Banaei, MA in mass media and communication studies and a member of TRANSCEND: Art & Peace Network.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 28 Jul 2014.

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