Stop the River of Blood!


Ada Aharoni – TRANSCEND Media Service

Stop the river of blood in Gaza and Sderot
Before it becomes an ocean!

These two small round ripples
In the middle of the flowing
River of blood
Are the cute smiles
Of the two one-year-old babies
Mona from Gaza
And Galia from Sderot –
As they smiled to their mothers
Who lovingly laid them to sleep
Last night
They were shot!

Hurry, in the name of humanity
Stop the flowing river of blood
In Gaza and Sderot
With a strong dam
Of humanity
Before it becomes
An ocean of blood!


Prof. Ada Aharoni is founder and president of the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace-IFLAC.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 4 Aug 2014.

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