(English/Portuguese) Ecolinguisticamente Rimando em Português e Inglês

POETRY FORMAT, 22 Sep 2014

Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

Ecolinquistical Rhymes in English and Portuguese


When ecolinguistically we metaphorize
Environmental inspiration let´s recognize

When to natural elevations our emotions we associate
Let´s keep climbing and higher metaphors let’s create

When into a sea of controversy an environmental issue is transformed
Let’s do our best and assure Humankind that decisions are deeply informed


Quando ecolinguisticamente metaforizamos
A inspiração de natureza ambiental reconheçamos

Quando a montanhas e montes nossas emoções associamos
Continuemos a subida e metáforas mais elevadas alcançamos

Quando um problema ambiental em um mar de controvérsias é transformado
Empenhemo-nos em assegurar à Humanidade o melhor caminho encontrado

ENG.: Francisco Gomes de Matos, Ph.D. is an applied peace linguist from Recife, Brazil. He has degrees in Languages, Law, and Linguistics. He is Professor Emeritus at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco where he is active in the Dom Hélder Camara Human Rights Commission. He is one of the pioneers in Linguistic Rights (author of 1984 Plea for a Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights) and in the emerging area of Peace Linguistics. Currently he is President of the Board, Associação Brasil América (www.abaweb.org). He can be reached at fcardosogomesdematos@gmail.com.

PORT.: Francisco Gomes de Matos, Professor Emérito de Linguística, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil, é um linguista de paz e educador de direitos humanos. Ele é autor, entre outros livros, de Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation, 2010, Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu-Hawai’i (www.nonkilling.org), e de Dignity-A Multidimensional View. Dignity Press, 2013 (www.dignitypress.org). fcardosogomesdematos@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 22 Sep 2014.

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