
POETRY FORMAT, 22 Sep 2014

Rifet Bahtijaragić – TRANSCEND Media Service

How could you say people deserve war!
Where did you get such a grotesque idea?!

Even when it is “holy”,
War destroys;
Humanity’s everlasting wound.
The truths about enemy
Are being invented.
War follows a cholera in the mind.
Wrapped in the deceiving cloak of profit.
Human hands crush
The blossoming scents of spring.

In glasses of filthy rapture
The ashes become laurels,
Bloodstained badges
The symbols
In carriage of doubtful pride.

Spring birds arrive on the wings of hope.
Instead of nests
And moaning streams.
A frozen mystery at the root.

If winners write history,
The truth is not true.

In war,
Happiness is the unhappiness
of all humans.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 22 Sep 2014.

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