Christmas at the War Front Line

POETRY FORMAT, 22 Dec 2014

Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service

Night in silence, night in snow

This is a battlefield,
the war front line
Blue Helmets are standing by,
the UN flags are waving by.

Night in silence, night in snow

Ruins of hous’s
here and there
The hous’s once families loved,
The hous’s once happiness lived.
You could see their candle lights,
Laughing kids and Christmas trees.
Those memories’re gone and away
Ice and snow now cover them all.
Ice and snow now cover them all.

Night in silence, night in snow
Pieces of toys
here and there
The toys once children loved,
The toys once merriment dwelt ‘n,
You could hear the cheerf’l voice,
Laughing kids and Christmas songs.
Those memories’re gone and away
Ice and snow now cover them all.
Ice and snow now cover them all.

Where are you? Where’re you now?
Can you hear me? Can you hear?
Let me send you my Christmas greetin’s
Across the checkpoint, the war front line
dividing between you and me,
Across the checkpoint, the war front line
dividing between you and me.

Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment, originally from Japan.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 22 Dec 2014.

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