X’mas Spirit

POETRY FORMAT, 22 Dec 2014

Stephen Gill – TRANSCEND Media Service

I see her resurrecting in Christmas trees
mistletoe and Santa Claus.

I see her appearing
within the decoration in churches
homes and offices
in parties, family reunions
and drinks.

I see her
in the festive rush that is tiring
and cards
which people have no time to send
but they do.

I see her
in the sounds of the  Joy
to the World
and Jingle Bells
cranked out of loudspeakers
in malls and street corners.

She is missing
from the victims of wars
which seem to be routine fate
of humankind.

She is missing from young lives
who have lost parents
to the famished beasts of fanatics.

She is missing
from the sufferers of physical
and psychological abuse.

She is missing
from the lives deprived of basic food,
clean water and warm clothing.

She is missing
from homes fallen to warfare
and children who are innocent bait
for Aids and cancer.

A multiple award winning writer and poet, Stephen Gill has authored books of fiction, literary criticism and collections of poems. His poetry and prose have appeared in more than five hundred publications, and the focus of his writing is world peace through peaceful means. Once in a while, Stephen Gill writes poetry also in Urdu, Hindi and Panjabi. For contact and other information, please visit his website: www.stephengill.ca

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 22 Dec 2014.

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