Lo! What Can I Do

POETRY FORMAT, 16 Mar 2015

Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy – TRANSCEND Media Service

The night spreads a carpet of darkness
Over the far off hillock, the moon rises,
The eerie silence is intermittently broken
By the barking dogs from a far-off den.

The life, forced to see the dawn of tomorrow
Would it alter the current phase of sorrow?
The emotionally-laden, fearful stalking heart
Longs to evade this trauma before every sunset.

The same life, the same stream of feelings
Keeps moving, faltering yet steadily moving;
Lighting a lamp, I draw my old pen and a book
Peeping through the small window to jot a lyric.

The orphaned and the starving street children
Influence my thoughts with a wave of emotion,
My mind gets blocked with a veil of dejection,
Lo! What can I do, rejected and left all alone.

When mind is reigned by thoughts of desperation
Who can but salvage the vanishing aspirations?
Like a trickled drop of water on a caladium leaf
Everything slips in a moment, except for the grief.

Though I desperately try to break this silence
I find no one near to grab the fleeing preference.


Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy – Hyderabad, Telangana State, India

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 16 Mar 2015.

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