Spiritual Warmth

POETRY FORMAT, 13 Apr 2015

Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy – TRANSCEND Media Service

Unifying the bond of human ‘love’
Pulling me from the illusion’s grove;
God! The cradle of dreams You awoke,
And on a spiritual path, I fell awake.

The cozy flowers of beauty
Blossom as usual as a routine duty;
Perhaps never bothered…
Soon shall they fall down withered,
Lucky are the few ones plucked
To reach the divinely abode of God.

For, survival is a relentless fight
The battle of life is ever-hard to fight,
But, an auspicious and blessed thought
Creeps in me after the ‘spiritual jolt’;
I am happy to breathe, yes afresh again
For in my heart, firmly does God remain.

Unaware, worldly divides get attached
But, break not a heart or get it detached,
In spirituality, it is where ‘love’ dwells
The source of recitation speaks and tells;
To sacrifice pride and to choose a right path
Where truth unfolds with spiritual warmth.


Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy – Hyderabad, Telangana State, India

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 13 Apr 2015.

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