How to Deal with Mass Shootings in the USA


Doc Jazz – TRANSCEND Media Service

Satirical strip

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One Response to “How to Deal with Mass Shootings in the USA”

  1. Well, I couldn’t agree more with the point of view treated on the image.

    My point here will be around the message that the governments and media send to the population living in the country under “terririst attacks”, and even to other countries with the same life styles when it comes to economic and political conditions: the legimimation of violance.

    If media qualifies these incidents as so -terrorists attacks-, is because there’s is an intention about creating a stragety. That planning starts in the interest of having some benefits from invading countries that are pretty rich in natural resources, such interests could be political (to have the control and sovereignty over the invated country) or economical (selling ore processing for consumption of all those resources). Then, by programming theses attacks, all that is left is to get some cameras and chosing some “safe” areas that would possibly cause more impact on the “audience (people living peacefully) if the get destroyed. Once they are set up, media is required to make it be known for everybody and then, naming it all “Terrorism”. Why? To get people getting upset, offended and even afraid that those things could happen again since there’s is a group trying to kill innocent ones.

    So, the government gets the agreement of these sensible citizens to intervene and eliminate the “enemy” (“enemy” because most of time not even media nor the government try to informe things as they are or occure). That confusion is what media and government get advantage of, causing even more intolerance over an event that is actually misunderstood and unknown most of time.

    We all should know the power of media, in order to make another kind of judgmentand even to create anotehr society where the thinking is way more important than the senses.