Decide to Be a Spiritual Person

POETRY FORMAT, 11 Jan 2016

Robert Muller – TRANSCEND Media Service

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Irradiate your spirituality
Treat every moment of your life

with divine respect

Love passionately your God-given, miraculous life

Be endlessly astonished at

your brief, breathtaking
consciousness of the universe

Thank God every moment

for the tremendous gift of life

Lift your heart to the heavens always
Be a cosmic, divine being,

an integral conscious part of the universe

Contemplate with wonder

the miraculous Creation all around you

Fill your body, mind, heart and soul

with divine trepidation

Know that you are coming from somewhere

and that you are going somewhere
in the universal stream of time

Be always open to the entire universe
Know yourself and the heavens and Earth
Act spiritually
Think spiritually
Love spiritually

Treat every person and living being

with humaneness and divine respect

Pray, meditate, practice the art of spiritual living
And be convinced of eternal life and liberation.


Robert Muller (1923-2010), former UN Assistant Secretary-General.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Jan 2016.

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