Sometimes! I wonder

POETRY FORMAT, 11 Jan 2016

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza – TRANSCEND Media Service

Sometimes! I wonder
There be No border
Between India and Pakistan
So that people of two nations
Live as brothers
As their fathers
And fight not like children
Here, there, now and then

Look at the European nations
After centuries of dire relations
Borders how they made nominal
Or see between India and Nepal
Why can’t then it happen?
Between India and Pakistan
But it will certainly happen
If not today, tomorrow then

As there is no way out for anyone
Neither for that side nor this one
But it should rather happen today
So that no one be killed in dismay
Neither a civilian nor a soldier
On this or that side of border
Even a dreaded terrorist or a Kafir
What they proudly call each other

Why can’t the two come out of box
Of Hindu-Muslim, Temple-Mosque
And lay a new foundation
For the coming generations
While forgetting all old scars
Of dirty, ugly and cruel wars
That plundered, ruined both
And divided region Asia South

Have we found peace 1947 aftermath?
So are we walking on the same path?
Stop oh brothers, please stop
Keep, think of alternatives, atop
And help resume relations derailed
Bridge gaps, allow peace to prevail
Be a good Muslim or a good Hindu
But when will my dream come true

When a person from Delhi to Lahore
Travel on bike as from Nagpur to Indore
Sometimes, I wonder
There be NO border

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza is an Academician, Peace Worker and Human Rights Activist based in Jammu, India.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Jan 2016.

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