Humanity First

POETRY FORMAT, 22 Feb 2016

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza – TRANSCEND Media Service

I love my nation
I love my religion
But I always trust
Humanity be first

Because if I say
The Nation First
My love and respect
For other nations
Or their citizens
Perhaps be less
And I’ll be biased
Towards my nation

If I say Religion First
My love and respect
For other religions
Or their followers
Perhaps be less
And I’ll be biased
Towards my religion

So I proudly say
The Humanity First
Because it serves purpose of both
Rather all, and excludes no one

Because it promotes equal respect
And love for all fellow humans
Without any biases or discrimination
Of caste, color, religion or the nation
Because it enables to see humanity
Beyond borders, and the ethnicity
And is ideal way to bring equitable
Development and peace to world people
And if want to reduce hunger and poverty
The unjust hatred, violence and the enmity
We have to trust
Humanity be First

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza is an academician, peace worker and human rights activist based in Jammu, India.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 22 Feb 2016.

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