Nonkilling – You Are Philosophic Spirits of Great Humans

POETRY FORMAT, 16 May 2016

Rashida Khanam - TRANSCEND Media Service

Nonkilling You are Philosophic Spirits of Great

Nonkilling You are Abraham Lincoln’s great
philosophy of humanity
– freedom of all humans;

Nonkilling You are Maya Angelou’s Tapestry
of different colors-

dignity and equal worth of human beings;

Nonkilling You are Martin
Luther King’s Civil Movement –

peace for saving humans from violence;

Nonkilling You are Gro
Harlem’s Politics for love –

saving the Earth;

Nonkilling You are Nelson Mandela’s
Political Philosophy-

harmonic human relationship;

Nonkilling You are
Gandhi’s Nonviolence –

state of democracy with Arts of Love;

Nonkilling You are Petra
Kelly’s power to love –

serving common good;

Nonkilling You are Glenn Paige’s Nonkilling
Political Science-

security, freedom and happiness in a
Killing-free Peaceful World.


Prof. Rashida Khanam is Bangla translator of Nonkilling Global Political Science.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 16 May 2016.

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