The Harp

POETRY FORMAT, 15 Aug 2016

Anna Banasiak – TRANSCEND Media Service

In Memory of A. J. Heschel

I hear the yearning in Your voice
Rashi’s commentaries are hidden in the rustle of trees
the stones are full of mystical light
music seeps in the garden of sounds
the Psalms of David echo eternity
In the shadows of the past
I find the promise
of peace
the harp drowns out
the cry of war

Anna Banasiak is a poet and literary critic from Lodz, Poland. She studied Polish philology and culture studies at the University of Warsaw. She is the winner of poetry competitions in Berlin, London and Bratislava. Her poems have appeared online in New York, London, Surrey, Australia, Canada, India and South Africa.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 15 Aug 2016.

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