If the Media Too Will Become a Party

POETRY FORMAT, 24 Oct 2016

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza - TRANSCEND Media Service

If the media too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

If the judges too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

If the teachers too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

If the writers too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

If the intellectuals too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

If the UN/NATO too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

If the SAARC too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

If world community too will become a party
Who will then resolve the conflicts?

I am afraid, though in same boat I sail
Without justice how peace will prevail

Dr. M. Ashaq Raza is a Peace worker and human rights Activist based in Jammu, India.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Oct 2016.

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