Give Praise Whenever You Can

POETRY FORMAT, 21 Nov 2016

Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service

Give praise whenever you can.  Praise:
Sunrise on snow-capped mountains;
Sunsets on marigold fields.  Praise:
Every act of kindness and solicitude;
Children smiling in beneficence.  Praise:
The hard-earned wisdom of the old;
Every great artist who ever lived;
The almost-great who failed to fulfill their hopes.  Praise:
The color green, amber, bees making honey;
The scent of cedar, calico kittens.  Praise:
Snow-leopards, eagles, redwoods, ocean-spray;
Prairies, wind-songs, flotillas of clouds.  Praise:
What is lost, but etched in living hearts;
Fidelity to the best causes.  Praise:
Horses, the fleet-footed, the patience of turtles. Praise:
The little planet, orbiting its sun;
The little sun, spinning in its galaxy;
The solar system of the atom.  Praise:
Cathedrals of memories;
The wine of young love, the incense of old love;
Miracles, harmony, wildness, and peace.  Praise:
The durable and perdurable;
The fruition of dreams, pride in one’s work;
Wisdom in its multitude of forms.  Praise:
Birds, flight, hazel eyes, blue eyes, all eyes.  Praise:
Speech, truth, dialogue, music, discernment.  Praise:
Mercy, charity, health, beauty-always-changing.  Praise:
The learning-teaching interaction;
Wherewithal, self-reliance, community.  Praise:
“A local habitation and a name.”  Praise:
The ethereal, the mystical, the mundane.  Praise:
Enoughness, the courage to know enoughness.  Praise:
Those who help and those who acknowledge;
Those who are weary who were trailblazers.  Praise:
Those who are young, building worthy achievements.  Praise:
A good deed, “a word fitly spoken.”  Praise:
A welcoming smile, a nod of approval.  Praise:
Whenever you can; each day–someone, something.

Gary Corseri is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment. He has published and posted articles, fiction and poems at hundreds of venues, including, TMS (Transcend Media Service), The New York Times, Village Voice, Redbook Magazine and Counterpunch.  He has published 2 novels and 2 collections of poetry, and his dramas have been produced on PBS-Atlanta and elsewhere.  He has performed his poems at the Carter Presidential Library and Museum and has taught in universities in the US and Japan, and in US public schools and prisons.  Contact:

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 21 Nov 2016.

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