Lame Duck’s Last Quack


Michael David Morrissey – TRANSCEND Media Service

Mr. O, failing miserably to fly,
Wants to give it one more try.

“Mr. Putin, Mr. Trump, “En garde!”
He says, and pulls it out, the old canard.

He has no evidence but won’t admit it,
So just says, “The Russians did it.”

“Let it not be said I did not quack
About this treacherous Russian hack.”

“17 separate agencies have said it’s true.
So out, damned spots, all thirty-five of you!”

P prefers chess to feather-rattling,
So keeps his cool amidst the cackling.

“We’ll see whose belfry has the bats,”
He says. “We’ll keep your diplomats.”

Meanwhile all await the new bird,
Wondering if he’ll keep his word.

Will he find the liars, chomp
Their heads off, drain the swamp?

Far better that than bombs and guns.
Let’s just hope he finds the right ones.

Michael David Morrissey: Born in Wash. D.C., now at home in Germany. Ph.D. in linguistics, retired after teaching English at a German university for many years. Author of Looking for the Enemy and The Transcendent Conspiracy. Homepage is here.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Jan 2017.

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4 Responses to “Lame Duck’s Last Quack”

  1. rosemerry says:

    Thanks for some poetic and gentle reminders for the new year.

  2. Gary Corseri says:

    No better way to handle the absurdities of our modern world than with nicely crafted wit–scathing or gentle, as befits the circumstance.

    Thanks, Michael!

  3. Thomas Krogh says:

    I’m sorry to break the news to the conspiracy idiots, but even Trump’s team has now admitted it. :-D

  4. Gary Corseri says:

    Krogh: Since, as you often indicate, you find this site so full of “loonies” and “idiots” why do you persist in reading it and expressing yourself so “colorfully” here? Can you think of nothing better to do with your life than insult other human beings?

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