My Beloved Earth


Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service

My beloved earth, I am your loving son,
I bend my head before you,
I am sleeping in your tender embraces,
I do not feel that I am alone.
My hair is grey but I still feel your motherly hands
Which protect me when comes hard time.
I breathe your spring’s scent,
I am pleased by your hot summer,
I like to walk under your rainy, autumn sky,
I don’t fear your chilly, wintery winds.
Oh, my beloved land!
You are a permanent source of my delight,
You give me new strengths,
Your harmony is more important
Than all prestigious awards!

Dr. Adolf P. Shvedchikov is a Russian scientist, poet and translator. He has published over 150 scientific papers and 16 books in poetry. His poems has been translated into many languages and has been published in Russia, USA, Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, Spain, France, Greece, UK, Italy, Romania, Albania  and Australia. In 2013 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature. He may be contacted at

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Jan 2017.

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4 Responses to “My Beloved Earth”

  1. Mithus Raju says:

    my tongue,my ear drums,my consciousness,my mind,my age,my thinking,my words,my words my language,all my human concepts,human intelligence,every religious feeling,every prophet,every messenger,every God conceptualised around Earth,TIME,MIND ——exist because MY BELOVED,MY IDENTITY IN EVERY WAY EVERY PARTICLE OF EARTH VIBRATES WITH LOVE AND A DEEP LONGING OF LOVE FOR EVERY PARTICLE IN AND OUTSIDE ME MERGE ME AN I EXPAND WITHOUT LIMITS.Every particle of Earth contain infinity.Full of extreme LOVE I cease to exist as an individual but as a WHOLE.Writing the words and expressions are nothing but human limitations.IF ANY BODY CAN READ MY WRING WITHOUT EAR DRUMS,meaning without my language may have a glimpse in to the soul of PLANET EARTH.

  2. Mithus Raju says:

    LOVE every where in every particle in every breath going in and out joins me with every grass,every leaf,every identity on the Earth’s Surface,Inside every Sea wave and deep in the Seas——the complete sense of consciousness are mere expressions it is ONENESS.EVERY WHERE YOU SEE IT IS YOU AND YOU ALONE.YOU BECOME EVERY PARTICLE ON AND ABOVE THE EARTH.SOUL,REBIRTH,RESURRECTION,SALVATION ETC.are human concepts weaved around definitions of unlimited no. of Gods by man kind.Come out these concepts to Know the ULTIMATE REALITY

    mithus raju

  3. Mithus Raju says:

    O!ME (Mother Earth)
    I am you and you are ME
    I exist in you and you exist in ME
    how can I say you and me
    merged in each other I ca not see differently
    away from you I need no salvation
    I need no God to rescue me but YOU O! ME
    my love for every particle shines like millions of suns
    I repeatedly merge and emerge from THEE my LOVE

  4. Mithus Raju says:

    old and young are mental concepts
    created by Planet Earth in and around HERSELF
    She is Self of every self
    every morsel of food which I eat is like
    Mothers milk going inside an innocent baby
    I touch myself, I touch, you, O!ME
    Living in and outside thee O! ME
    makes no difference to me O!ME
    I need no salvation or heavens O!ME
    Keep me in the soul of every grain
    me my ME, my LOVE,I am you
    you are me O! ME
    hand full of dust I always will be
    Love me as your part O! ME
    MY BELOVED ME you vibrate in me

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