What a Mess!


TRANSCEND Media Service


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Jan 2017.

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5 Responses to “What a Mess!”

  1. More says:

    How high was he when he fell

  2. Gary Corseri says:

    Various ways to read this! One way: “Look at the waste of all this good paint!” While a human being lies dead beside them. What does it say in the Bible? None are so blind as those who will not see!

    • More says:

      Dear Gary, unbelievable: I missed it. I simply missed the point you mention! I focussed instead on the fact that here we have a visionary with his vision in polar contrast to the colourlessness of the reality surrounding him, with his vision dysfunctionally spilled about.

      Thanks for the point!

      • Ana Kyriou says:

        Unfortunately,this is an accurate comment regarding relationships between people and reactions of people to events within society; superficiality wins as human beings turn their backs to what is most profound.

  3. Ana Kyriou says:

    More makes a good point about visionaries: usually, they must be sacrificed for their vision to be recognised. The colourlessness? Perhaps the vision will penetrate, perhaps it will not. It goes to show: perception is open to interpretation.

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