
POETRY FORMAT, 12 Jun 2017

Lara Ayvazyan – TRANSCEND Media Service

I do not accept a sense of the word “envy”,
This word is my greatest enemy!
Inside your soul being born,
This is not a whim and not a trifle.
Do not argue about nuances,
It may be white or black,
The wall grows between us,
When somebody looks at me askance.
After all, evil and envy are equivalent,
They are one and the same essence.
When your life is good, it means:
Do not stand out, be gray mouse.
Then perhaps, they regret
And hide deeply their envy.
All these feelings fade before envy,
It is not easy to escape this feeling.
I look on the faces of people
Like into mirror,
And if I see evil appearance,
There is a reason to stop
And re-start again!


Lara Ayvazyan is a modern Russian poetess and singer. She released 12 musical albums. Her songs are on the air at various Russian and Argentinian radio stations. Her poetry has been published in many Russian and foreign Anthologies as well as in Russian magazine New Literature. She may be contacted at ayvazyan21@yandex.ru

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 12 Jun 2017.

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