Let It Be!


Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service

Let it be! Let the rich man
Lose his stolen millions.
Let the poor man stop moaning,
And let a bird fly again in the sky!
Let the ice of silence disappear,
Let the greedy amass their money
For the funeral repast,
Let a little aspen stop trembling,
Let vampires choke drinking our blood.
Let eternity open all the secrets,
Let all haughty men be scorned,
Let the blind man see again,
Let sages find the roots of wisdom!
Let everyone see the blue sky,
Let the worthless stay insignificant.
Maybe you’ll tell me that it is impossible,
We have not enough bread to feed everyone,
Perhaps you’ll tell me that this is nothing
But the idle fancies of a strange poet…
Let’s try, people, step-by-step,
Maybe we can change this world!

Dr. Adolf P. Shvedchikov is a Russian scientist, poet and translator. He has published over 150 scientific papers and 16 books in poetry. His poems has been translated into many languages and has been published in Russia, USA, Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, Spain, France, Greece, UK, Italy, Romania, Albania  and Australia. In 2013 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature. He may be contacted at adolfps@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 5 Jun 2017.

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