The Galtung-Institut’s 2017 Summer Academy

TRANSCEND News, 5 Jun 2017

Naakow Grant-Hayford – TRANSCEND Media Service

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From August 7 to 13, Paul Scott (USA), Kees van Der Veer (NL), Johan Galtung (NO) & Naakow Grant-Hayford (GH), all members of the TRANSCEND International Network, will be offering an intense 7 day Summer Academy dedicated to teaching actionable skills for solution-indicative conflict analysis and conflict transformation.

The course instructors will train participants from their specific disciplinary perspectives focussing on:

  • the potential for peaceful geopolitics and the future of the international system,
  • solutions for the current polarization pitting Europe against Russia,
  • the populist threat to liberal democracies currently witnessed from Washington to Moscow.

At the heart of the Galtung-Institut’s Summer Academy is a resolve to equip enrolled participants with the capacity to solve complex societal conflicts by using means that are nonviolent, empathetic and constructive. A resolve that has led us to become active in the field of training peace professionals.

This is a response to the recognition that many in society, whoever they may be and at whatever position or rank of professional responsibility they may be located are subject to, or carriers of, worldviews, perspectives, convictions and leitmotifs that showcase a more or less implicit level of acceptance of cultural and structural violence.

The acceptance of such pernicious forms of violence not only causes harm within their immediate professional and private contexts of action but also extends to form the psychological basis of acceptance of the unjust reality of the current configuration of economic globalization. It is also the basis of acceptance for the destructive foreign policy permanently projected into the world by the so-called international community.

Beyond the specific subjects of the program available, the overarching objective of the Galtung-Institut’s Summer-Academy in 2017 is to provide participants with techniques, instruments and methods that will enable them to make decisions in their professional and private lives that deliberately foster circumspect and constructive outcomes sensitive enough and careful enough to avoid the most subtle forms of cultural and structural violence.

As with all courses at the Galtung-Institut, the 2017 Summer-Academy offers transdisciplinary approaches to finding solutions to the conundrums of our age. The course instructors will be teaching techniques for peacebuilding from the vantage point of history, democracy theory, psychology, economics, political science and global peace studies.

Participants with a personal or professional interest in conflict literacy will have much to gain as they will have an opportunity to deepen or update their competencies in conflict resolution.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 5 Jun 2017.

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