An Invocation for Our Time: This Consecrated Hour

POETRY FORMAT, 31 Jul 2017

James O’Dea – TRANSCEND Media Service

Do you not see them
the ashen ones, the grey ones
the starving orphans , the seduced innocents,
the decimated specters of conflagration,
all the beings trampled in degradation
crowding our collective shadow field?
Go find them. In this, this
consecrated hour of human becoming find your estranged,
your lost and abandoned family
and embrace them into the vital marrow of your life.
Kiss them until the ashes of their betrayal turn from grey to red
and the blush of love blows through
the one soul, the one life of all

Do you not feel them
the slicks of poison, the necrotic plastic
the ocean’s dead-zones, the cancers, the tumors
the die-offs, the daily extinctions
the breath of life suffocated on a genocidal scale?
Do you not feel them in your own flesh and blood?

Go heal the pain. In this, this
consecrated hour of human becoming feel your rivers,
your lakes, your mountains, feel their freshness, their pure life force
coursing your veins, opening your heart to the one Mother,
the one soul, the one life of all.

Do you not know them
the guardians of the moment, the secret listeners
the agents of truth, the instruments of soul awakening-
consciousness raising-  light resurrecting power of transfiguration
in the center of your own compassionately ripened awareness?
Go manifest this power.  In this, this
consecrated hour of human becoming
sing the communal choirs of collaboration
showering our wounded world with the
divinely feted audacity to celebrate
the one soul, the one life of all.

James O’Dea is author of The Conscious Activist, Cultivating Peace, Soul Awakening Practice (June 2017) and other acclaimed works. James is a former President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Washington office director of Amnesty International and CEO of the Seva Foundation. He worked with the Middle East Council of Churches in Beirut during a time of war and massacre and lived in Turkey for five years during civil upheaval and coup d’etat. He has taught peacebuilding to over a thousand students in 30 countries. He has also conducted frontline social healing dialogues around the world. He is a member of The Evolutionary Leaders group and on the Advisory Board of The Peace Alliance and Kosmos Journal. James also mentors emerging leaders. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Laszlo New Paradigm Institute. James is both an activist and mystic.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 31 Jul 2017.

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